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RE: Why i left informationwar

in #blog6 years ago

Well the pro nazi stuff doesn't get voted on. I personally refuse to up vote posts that bash Israel even though they have real problems and have done some terrible shit but so does the USA.

The NEW WORLD ORDER PLEDGED TO JEWS is disturbing but not because @froyoempire brought it up.

It's disturbing to see the New York Times write an article like that pre-ww2( ww2 wasn't offically called that until the US entered the war)

Hateful or not articles like this that have been buried in history need to be shared because it gives us alternative perspectives that today's history books don't teach us.

Anyways, I'm sorry you feel that way about the group but feel free to continue to use the tag to post topics you don't read about in the MSM.


WWII's story was told by the victors. Unfortunate as it might be that most of what we're told about Nazi Germany could be a lie, it very well looks like much of it was. This is exactly the kind of content I expect from @informationwar. Unpleasant or not. @ihashblox seems to have some snowflake or grandiose, virtue signalling tendencies. I shared this post so others who are members in hopes they will do more than read the headlines like some folks appear to.....

Alright, why did Hitler REALLY invade Poland? What is the "transfer agreement?" What was the most ethnically diverse army in history? These are questions that have real answers critical thinkers would at least be interested in asking. No one can defend everything any political body does or says. There are MANY lies that came out of that, and any war. The victors always write down the score.

@informationwar at least allows those w/a better than average education on the matter a chance to inform.

Sorry you don't have a "spine" by screaming NAZI. It's not edgy anymore. Ur a virtue signaler confirmed. Btw feel free to answer those above questions for me and see if it doesn't leave you wanting to ask more.

Unpleasant or not. @ihashblox seems to have some snowflake or grandiose, virtue signalling tendencies.

Or it's called having a fucking spine.

So is this an official determination that nazi germany was an innocent party portrayed as a villian?


No, to answer your question. But different from the official narrative. This is the point of information even if you don't like it. This is why ur a snowflake. You are literally attempting a "flash-mobbing" which is yet to occur on STEEM as far as I know. This is lefty behavior, which is ok if you're into that I guess. But call a spade a spade, I always say. ;)

WTF!? Speaking the TRUTH is somehow leftist behavior!? Spoken like a true Tide Pod eater! The right are just as big of Tide Pod eaters as the left is. If he's a snowflake your a shitizen! Lawless abiding government slave worshiping shitizen. Stay stuck in the left-right paradigm moron. It isn't left vs. right it is the state vs YOU! If you vote and pay taxes YOU are the criminal. You have no right to bitch.
With that being said I hope all these Mexicans steal ALL your government slave jobs you fuckers hate so much but are too willfully ignorant to do something about. Funny how lawless criminal government you pay for is never the problem, it is always those you disagree with! It is always those your lawless criminal government you hate but pay for tells you to hate that are the problem. Spoken just like the libtards on the left. A dumb dog is smarter than you for even a dumb dog knows when he is being fed shit by the hand that feeds him.
Mexicans are the result of the Spaniards and Puritans mating with the natives so in FACT Mexicans are Native American meaning this is THEIR land. So calling people illegals makes you a willful ignorant racist fuck! We are all from the same planet. With that being said, I HOPE THEY STEAL ALL YOUR FUCKING SHIT JOBS!!!


As for Nazi Germany, the Nazi's didn't lose WWII, they came here to America. Look up Project Paperclip. Americans like you are so fucking stupid you all put the son and grandson of a Nazi in office as your beloved President. The son and grandson that armed all our enemies while running drugs into the country that your government slave tax money paid for and still is paying for. You fuckers have no one to blame but YOURSELVES!!! Just like you fuckers put a 5 time draft dodger in office who pisses all your government slave tax money away on veteran military parades just for himself. You stupid fucking libtards and cuntservatives don't know your asses from your elbows in this cuntry. Keep supporting Nazi's you lawless abiding shitizen government slaves! Hitler was a Jew, Zionist, Rothschild criminal fuck too but you fuckers don't care about any of that. Real truth doesn't concern you, only disinformation you peddle in your stupid shitizen group Disinformation War does.
As for Alex Jones, your hero, he is the biggest hypocrite. A man who claims to be pro life Christian cuntservative, yet he has an abortion with young Leann Macadoo whom he knocked up like the good little adulterer of infidelity he is. Infidelity has the word "infidel" in it for a reason. Because Alex is one of them!!! And he is your hero!? AH HA HA HA HA HA!!! If you are going to drain the swamp start with yourselves!!!

I'm not even sure where to start! LOL. Well I'm not a Republican if that's what you are getting at and I'm not even sure where you got that but your rants are why I follow you in the first place. I seriously can't stop smiling right now! ;)

Anyway I'll see if you're interested in discussing this further before I begin to rant as your friend has apparently bowed out w/out answering my questions. Can't wait for your reply! I'm very aware of the right left paradigm & I'm not sure you understand my angle or our discussion but here goes. Your friend @ihashblox posted about how "bad these people are (@informationwars) because of "x & y" and is fishing to followers to abandon/discredit and entire group in this case. This behavior was popularized by the left. Even though some hucksters on the right starting using in as well. You know this, as well as I. This was my point of contention, not that he said it but said it w/out any reasonable context. Some content they post is quite relevant, some not so much lol! So It's your friend who needs a little talking to about the right/left paradigm. I think your'e the man for the job ;). Triggered snowflakes (which are a real thing regardless of spectrum) most importantly need the reminder about free speech, notice I'm not attempting to censor but have a rant free dialogue.

It's disturbing to see the New York Times write an article like that pre-ww2( ww2 wasn't offically called that until the US entered the war)The NEW WORLD ORDER PLEDGED TO JEWS is disturbing but not because @froyoempire brought it up.

Are you kidding me? Seriously? Jews left germany before United States entered war. Many came to our nation. I wasnt fully aware that NYT was a declared mouthpiece for all jews. Not even Ha Eretz boasts this.

I will never be using your groups tag, if an upvote occurs its likely due to it being tagged in another group.