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RE: Fact or Fiction - Can Steemit Decide?

in #blog8 years ago

No, this is not a vision of the future, it is a short story. And I hate to break it to ya, there's a lot of work to do to make it more convincing. There are key aspects of the writing: assumptions, verbiage, presumptions, structure and syntax (ascribed to the so called gray), which bely a distinct mentality of the old order, with illogical/corrupt morality and culture. Authority, ultimatums, preemptive violence, hierarchical societal structure. For example, the first thing out of his mouth, "greetings, i am the leader of a kajillion beings." Such a construct, that they would "elect" or create for themselves leaders with the power to issue ultimatums and destroy others, is a foolishly human construct that is morally bankrupt. In a peaceful intergalacric society, would they need a "leader??" Laughable. Notice how your trillions of PEOPLE?? want their "leader" to destroy others preemptively. Yet another morally depraved act. And they have "been trying" to bring peace? Riight. And the whole uneccesary backstory of humanity...

Not to mention the nonsensical items. 4 billion light years?? Cmon man. THE great pyramid?? Wouldn't he say YOUR great pyramid? "We thought they were peaceful so we left." And didnt even leave, like a camera behind, to keep tabs?? What happened to being able to see far into the future? We humans sure caught this nearly godlike race of aliens who can be anywhere, see millions of years into the future, really caught em by surprise, so that now they have to threaten to destroy us all cause were such a theat to their god like abilities. If all weapons were destroyed, how are they threatening to destroy us? Again, just loaded with the presumltions of old world, bankrupt human societal constructs and pseudo morality.

I know this was a bit harsh, but you're welcome for taking the time to articluate the flaws so that it can be improved.

Final note, the gray in the vid from Barry was quite convincing, in so many ways, seemed authentic. Even if it wasnt a real gray, the mentality, ideas, morality, etc were faitly evolved