Fact or Fiction - Can Steemit Decide?

in #blog8 years ago (edited)

We aren't alone, or won't be for long!

July 4th, 2020 was a day I will never forget. I awoke, thinking it was gonna be just another boring day. But when I tapped my Cicret Bracelet, tapped Quick Remote and tapped Power to turn on my Television I soon realized this day was going to be one that No Human would ever forget. There on my television was a real live extraterrestrial alien. The kind that had been rumored to be living and visiting Earth since Roswell in the 1940's. Commonly referred to as "The Greys". He was on my television and talking world-wide in over 700 languages to more than 4 billion people via Television and Radio. As I listened to him speak I grew every more anxious and scared:

Greetings Humans of Earth, I am Darku the Great, Leader of the race you humans refer to as "The Grey's". My race is over 3 billion of your human years old and is the oldest sentient species in the universe.

Some 2 million years ago we first visited your world and discovered 7 different humanoid species inhabiting this planet. They were embroiled in a bloody war that was about to wipe them all out and destroy your home. So we took action, splitting the 7 species and placing them on 7 different worlds. Then returning to Earth to remove all traces of their existence, or so we thought.

We came back some 300,000 of your years ago and discovered there were once again numerous sentient species on this planet. This time there were only 5 species, for about 100,000 years we watched as those species grew in numbers and eventually made contact with each other and interbred, becoming one species, Humans. They seemed to be peaceful so we left.

Then 5,000 of your years ago the Great Pyramid was completed. Deep within it were dozens of massive lenses and mirrors that concentrated sunlight and moonlight and directed it into the stars. One of those highly concentrated beams of light traveled nearly 4 Billion light-years and was detected by us, in one of our outlying colonies. So once again we returned. This time we found most of the inhabited parts of Earth were engulfed in endless wars. The human race had grown apart, split into 100's of different ethnic groups each with different languages and no one could get along.

So we stayed and over the last 5,000 years our numbers have grown. We now have over 100,000 of us living amidst humanity. We have been trying for over 5,000 years to bring humanity to a technologically advanced state and usher in an era of peace and harmony. However, everything we have given humanity has been used for the wrong purposes and in the wrong ways. Our technology has been repeatedly weaponized and used to kill millions upon millions of your fellow citizens.

Even our own ships full of Envoy's and Diplomats have been repeatedly fired upon and shot down, especially over the last 70 years. Now that humanity is on the cusp of leaving Earth and venturing out into the stars we can no longer stand by and allow your murderous ways to go unpunished. We can no longer live in secret among you and try to steer you in the right direction. The time has come for us to take direct action to prevent the human race from spreading this vile and despicable behavior across the cosmos.

Among our technological abilities is the ability to travel through time and space from anywhere at anytime to anywhere at any time. We have used this ability to peek into Humanities future should we not take action; what we saw truly terrified us and the majority of "The Grey's" called for the extinction of humanity. That is over 700 Trillion people that want me to wipe the human race from existence.

However, the more I looked at humanities future the more I realized that normal human beings, in general, possess great compassion and understanding....it is the governments and businesses that are the source of most of humanities problems. In the year 2020, if we do not act, Private Businesses will begin to colonize Earth's moon and Mars. Within 5 years there will be over 1 million humans living off-Earth. After a series of Riots and Protests against poor living conditions and low wages the civilian population of those off-world colonies will revolt and start a galactic war that will result in countless new weapons being developed and deployed. Some of those weapons go rogue and threaten entire civilizations outside of this solar system.

By the time the war ends and civilians overthrow and dismantle Earth's governments and businesses over 1 trillion sentient beings are destroyed, mostly non-humans. So you see why we have no choice but to stop this before it happens. Which is why I am speaking to you today. As the leader of "The Grey's" I speak for 50 Quadrillion Sentient Beings and none of us are violent, having long ago destroyed almost all our weapons. In fact the last war fought by any of our races was over 300 million Earth years ago.

Therefore, we here by decree:

  • All governments on Earth have 48 hours to begin disarming and dismantling all Military weapons systems. Including ones you think are hidden (nothing is hidden from us).
  • All businesses who overwork and underpay their employees in the chase for ever more profit have 48 hours to begin implementing Employee-Owned business models.

Consequences for failure to head those demands:

  • In 48 hours any governments who have not begun disarming and dismantling all Military weapons systems will find themselves forcibly removed from power and transported to a Penal Colony on Proxima Centauri C (as you humans will eventually name it). It is a frozen wasteland akin to Uranus. You will spend the remainder of your lifetimes there mining trilithium with is highly radioactive and poisonous to humans.
  • In 48 hours all businesses who have not begun implementing Employee-Owned business models will find their Board of Directors and Executive Officers also forcibly removed and sent to the same Penal Colony as the government leaders. where you will also live out the rest of your lifetimes.

Our role in Earth's new world order:

  • In 48 hours a fleet of 10,000 of our ships will land all over Earth and deploy almost 10 Million of us around the globe. We will carefully monitor and enforce the rules above. Anyone who does not go along with our attempts to help humanity will be sent to Proxima Centauri C as well for a period from 1 Earth Year to Life; depending on the severity of the crimes you commit.
  • We will stay on Earth en-mass until we are confident that Earth is a United Human Race and will no longer be a threat to yourselves or any other sentient life forms.
  • We will begin building 1,000 new cities around your planet that will be the most technologically advanced cities Earth has ever seen. They will also be 99% Environmental friendly with no toxic, nuclear or other harmful waste. Once those cities are completed the entirety of Earth's human population will be moved to one of those Cities and all traces of humanity on Earth outside of those cities will be erased. We will then restore Earth's atmosphere, waters and lands to the pristine beauty they once were.
  • Once we are satisfied Earth is ready to join our Universal Alliance of Sentient Beings we will remove the vast majority of our forces returning to around 10,000 like what are present now, except we will no longer hide among you. We will shed our Human forms and live among you as "Grey's" and help guide you into the Stars in a peaceful and exploratory manner.

If anyone, any government or any business attempts to stop us in the next 48 hours we can and will wipe out all electronic devices on Earth and send you humans back into the Dark Ages. Do not test us, Resistance is Futile!

Now fellow Steemians it is time for you to decide:

  1. Have I glimpsed into the future and depicted actual events that will happen in a few short years, or
  2. Is this all a figment of a very imaginative mind?



It was too long for a robot to read? Are robots inherantly lazy?lol I read the whole thing. It sounds a lot like wishful thinking. Everyone knows the world is fucked up, so we invent all powerful heros to save us. We need to unite and save ourselves. The aliens wouldn't give two shits about us if they saw us for real. Half the world is fapping right now. The other half is praying for virgins to rape after they die while killing the first half. We aren't even a bad example to show their kids, we are like the universes freak show.

I think it is a figment of your very imaginative mind. I do believe in the possibility of E.T.s and I suspect they have visited here. Yet there were a few things that gave it away. There may have been more, but two really popped out at me.

  1. Uranus is a gas giant, not a frozen waste
  2. Trilithium - Star Trek. :)

Pretty damn well put together though. Some impressive work. Though I have seen other works of yours so believe this is well within your capabilities.

No, this is not a vision of the future, it is a short story. And I hate to break it to ya, there's a lot of work to do to make it more convincing. There are key aspects of the writing: assumptions, verbiage, presumptions, structure and syntax (ascribed to the so called gray), which bely a distinct mentality of the old order, with illogical/corrupt morality and culture. Authority, ultimatums, preemptive violence, hierarchical societal structure. For example, the first thing out of his mouth, "greetings, i am the leader of a kajillion beings." Such a construct, that they would "elect" or create for themselves leaders with the power to issue ultimatums and destroy others, is a foolishly human construct that is morally bankrupt. In a peaceful intergalacric society, would they need a "leader??" Laughable. Notice how your trillions of PEOPLE?? want their "leader" to destroy others preemptively. Yet another morally depraved act. And they have "been trying" to bring peace? Riight. And the whole uneccesary backstory of humanity...

Not to mention the nonsensical items. 4 billion light years?? Cmon man. THE great pyramid?? Wouldn't he say YOUR great pyramid? "We thought they were peaceful so we left." And didnt even leave, like a camera behind, to keep tabs?? What happened to being able to see far into the future? We humans sure caught this nearly godlike race of aliens who can be anywhere, see millions of years into the future, really caught em by surprise, so that now they have to threaten to destroy us all cause were such a theat to their god like abilities. If all weapons were destroyed, how are they threatening to destroy us? Again, just loaded with the presumltions of old world, bankrupt human societal constructs and pseudo morality.

I know this was a bit harsh, but you're welcome for taking the time to articluate the flaws so that it can be improved.

Final note, the gray in the vid from Barry was quite convincing, in so many ways, seemed authentic. Even if it wasnt a real gray, the mentality, ideas, morality, etc were faitly evolved

By: Ten Years After A Space in Time - Here They Come Shared on YouTube By: Sinceub

 8 years ago  Reveal Comment

@tldr you almost got the gist of the article.....keep trying my young friend, you will figure it out eventually!

 8 years ago  Reveal Comment