Great Progress Today on the @Tippy Project Coding!

in #blog8 years ago (edited)

( KLYE the Wizard hath cometh from the code caves of Atom bringing with him great news! <3 FF )

It's been about 30 hours since I last slept. While some would be extremely troubled by this given work and life schedules it's actually my preference to stay up long hours in order to achieve "the zone" where ideas and code flow freely without stress. While I'll likely be calling it a night here shortly figured I would share the past days triumphs in regards to @Tippy.

Breakthroughs, Bug Killin' & Needed Progress

Every so often when I code a new technique or concept is learned which greatly improves my ability to turn ideas into reality. With a bit of a tip off from @fabien earlier yesterday the sync on restart functionality of the @Tippy engine finally began to function as I'd intended.

Compartmentalization of the engine's code and functions are being worked on in order to clean up my code a little bit and nearly every line has or will be commented on to allow both veteran and novice programmers alike to make sense of the source code once I release it into the wild after rigorous testing. The open sourced version will be slightly stripped down as to not make the service too much competition out of the gates but I will gladly help those wishing to modify or customize the functionality of the script time permitted.

Now that the Sync on start functionality is working the engine is able to save it's state meaning that in the event the service goes down it can be quickly restarted and will sort itself out filling any missed calls during its down time. Security and safety systems are a must when dealing with token deposits and transfers and I'm confident that the tipping engine I'm working on will be a wonderful addition to our network once perfected.

I'll leave you with a song below which kind of how I'm feeling after putting in a long shift and making progress. Looking forward to getting the reply/vote queue functions built and get some public testing going before @Tippy gets an official launch. Have a good one!

Macklemore & Ryan Lewis - Can't Hold Us


Great to see these updates on tippy and good to know of so much positive progress. But you certainly need some sleep buddy, continuous sleep deprivation can have detrimental effect over a period of time. And didn't know you were a pro at painting too :)

I've been extremely lucky to at one point have had my art featured on the front page. :D

If it's not the insomnia code marches or the pot that kills me I'm sure I'll live far beyond my useful years.

Weeds never killed no one! Just strengthens your mind...body...and naps.

Woah, that's impressive! And does the pot go with the code marches ?

Gogogogogogogo @tippy @klye


Thanks man. Going to take a break for a bit and get some napping in me thinks!

@tippy tip klye 0.001 SBD

@tippy help

@Tippy Help & Commands
tipTip a User@tippy tip klye 1.337 STEEM
powerupTip SP to User@tippy powerup klye 0.690 STEEM
balanceCheck Balance@tippy balance
statsView Statistics@tippy stats
infoInformation & Fees@tippy info
pingCheck Service Status@tippy ping
voteUpvote Parent Post@tippy vote
flagFlag Parent Post@tippy flag

@tippy balance

@anejosua's Account Balance:
0.000 STEEM
$0.247 SBD

@Tippy - STEEM & SBD Text-to-Tip Bot

Thanks for your hard work. This will help us all and make steemit more reliable and clean platform for blogging.
Please Take Some Rest Now.

Spent a few years when I was younger being a lazy degenerate sloth.. This new found ambition and goal setting coupled with having been more focused over the last year has been nothing short of life changing.

I'm glad I stumbled onto No denying the users and network here has completely changed my life.

Yes. I am here for hope Too. Last few years are not good for me. Failure everywhere. I hope I'm able to gain some wealth through steemit. Thanks @kyle, U R A Genious.

You will gain more than wealth here. This community is an incubator for success.

The bests of the work are done when you are in the zone...then only sky is the limit...thanks for making the system more stable and bug free.

My mind oddly gets more clear after a certain point past exhaustion. It's a good zone to be in for coding, No distractions or other thoughts to cloud your mind. Just a blank slate focused on making the bytes line up.

This is a really cool idea. acc to acc tipping, actual STEEM, SP tips user to user, no waiting for 7 day rewards. This will be hugely popular as it is so much easier than using our Steemit wallets (too many steps).

Yep! Summed up well. People will no longer have to navigate away from a post to show it extra love.

Dude, You like just like let the flag carrier fly away ! wtf man ! Are YOU a bot ! LMAO and WHY do Mages have to wear a big blue dress !!! lol
and like, Flag camping on top of the base is just wrong ! lmao

Coders ROCK !!!!

Lmao. Mages, Wizards and Coders are about as close to becoming a diety as humans get.

The power to be able to create ideas into actual applications is a gift I'm blessed to have.

Truth be told I'm not the sharpest crayon but I'm persistent and enjoy a good challenge.

I'm sorry that it's off topic, but what happened to Steem-global?

A number of individuals took it upon themselves to make multiple accounts to attempt to drain the faucet.. My account verification / IP scanner / banner wasn't up to snuff and rather than lose the faucet funds to theives I decided to stop issuing Fauceteer licenses to cull the thieves.

The service needs moved to a larger server to get it's stability back and a completely new faucet system will have to be implemented and secured before it's launched again.

Give a man a finger and he bites off the whole hand...
I have there on my account left 2 STEEM. Can I safely withdraw them or will it be better to wait for the restart, when the system will work more stably?
p.s. I do not feel the urgent need to get them out right now and can wait a while.

26 hours: Anything over and above 26 hours without sleep is simply quite dangerous for you. You may begin to lose your co-ordination and find it hard to keep your balance, you develop short-term memory loss and have trouble recalling things you recently did and said, and you may start to hallucinate. When this starts happening, that is the signal to sleep straight away.
30 hours: At 30 hours we begin to lose our sense of smell and touch. This is because the receptors in our hands and noses aren't functioning properly due to the lack of rest we have recieved. Your brain is still trying to do a million things at once, so partially losing sight or your sense of hearing after 30 hours awake is not uncommon.
40 hours: After 40 hours awake our body goes into fight or flight. It releases adrenaline as a way of not giving us a thrill, but to stay awake. Our body can no longer rely on the accumulated 'rest' it's recieved, as it hasn't recieved any for nearly two days straight. Hallucinations become more vivid and microsleeps (involuntary 5-10 mins of deep sleep) may occur.

Just FYI.

While some would be impaired with dulled senses and hallicinations due to exhaustion I've honestly been doing late nights for so long I've forgotten what a regular sleep schedule feels like.

Appreciate the concern though. Sleep albeit necessary is a waste of life time and certainly not as fulfilling as coding. :P

Those stats are for the baby boomers generation.
I can stay up for 48 hours without any issues, it depends on how healthy you are.

Nice coding! How You learn a blockchain coding and what sources do You recommend? I am front-end developer and want to get into blockchain deeper.

Reverse engineering, trial and error coupled with 1337 google-fu sir.
If you can do the front end stuff already you've already got the foundation you need.

Great work Klye :)

Look after yourself though; don't burn out due to coding induced sleep deprevation!

Once you get past exhaustion it's actually very peaceful and comfortable. :)

WE are getting to a


Hey man, kyle,great article upvoted 🙂✔✔✔