Finally my ankle is healing.

in #blog7 years ago (edited)

As always very busy at this old course track

After 8 months walking around with an annoying injury. It seems that my ankle is healing.. I'm not there yet. But still i went for some jogging this week to test out my ankle.. Funny because just when I thought it might be better to forget this jogging thing. Suddenly it felt much better.

Warming up

For today i chose push ups... Which is a 100 push ups in 3 or 4 sets tops. Catch my breath take a puff of my weed. And ready for the course track. Sorry for repeating but the track is near my house :)

Minute later at the course..

Again i start with a set of push ups (20 reps) And start jogging. So according to the internet these tracks are often 400 meters? I do know for sure that it took me a certain amount of time to complete it. Won't bother y'all with round minutes.

Next level..

My plan was to do 5 rounds with each round 20 push ups. Like i did the days before. But after i completed that in about 20 minutes or so. I thought let's up the level and double it.. By the way if there was a dip-bar around i would do some dips in stead of only push ups. But it is what it is. Anyways 10 rounds, per round 20 push ups.

Of course

This took me longer then the first 5 rounds. Not really because of the push ups more because of the jogging.. For now i'll let my ankle rest, will see in a few days. Nevertheless it felt great jogging again.

That's all folks



I'm affraid Mr. @tomber will not comment on your post this time 😊. Good luck with your ankle.

Hahaha, awesome!!

?Dont know what you mean? anyways don't be afraid :D


I've read in recent posts of him, about his being far behind on his schedule of his personal push-up challenge of doing 100 a day. And you doing much more push-ups with two fingers in the nose so to speak.

haha i was like huh? But now i understand you. You got me laughing here.

Thanks, indeed but i rather have the 2 fingers on my joint though :) To be clear its not that special im light weighted. So i should be able to do this.

Good day there

Hey @markush, good luck with the recovery. Having a damaged ankle, is a painful experience. I know all about it as I had to quit playing football due to it. You Probably Will have to go through the pain barrier a few times to achieve your goal, but thats the process. Go for it!💪🏻

Hey Phil

Im sorry to hear that. I think i can imagine how you must felt. Hopefully you find an other sport. Like fitness or so?

As long as i did no jumping/jogging stuff like that. I didn't have much pain. It only felt bad . However if i did go for a jog i couldn't walk the day after, like my feet was blocked.

Thanks for the motivation.

Fijne dag daar aan het weer zal het niet liggen in ieder geval :)

Getting back in shape? Always difficult to keep up with that with a longlasting injury.
You probably did, but if not, cool the ankle with ice. That never hurts the healing or at least prevents eventual swelling.

Pff indeed a longlasting injury is not fun. But yes im trying to get back in shape endurance wise. I want to go boxing or something like that.

"cool the ankle with ice. That never hurts the healing or at least prevents eventual swelling.

Spot on.. I should have done that. It felt a bit swollen today when i just finished jogging. Hopefully its just my ankle that has to get use to it again...

Btw thanks for the votes/support. Zit nu eindelijk op rep 62 👍 😎

Good job man. Congrats.
Am 4 or 5 posts away I think from hitting rep 60 myself, pfff.

The small swelling could be a reaction because of having done not much "different" pressure (sports I mean) on the ankle for quite a while. Keep cooling with ice after every training (even if not swollen) for a week or two; it will (should) stop then.

Thanks man,

Ja duurt lang he vanaf rep 55 ofzo. Helaas boosten mijn votes jouw rep niet. Of anders heel weinig . Maar ja gewoon blijven posten toch.

Precies wat je zegt.Lijkt er inderdaad op dat het na een lange tijd weer belast is, en daardoor beetje opgezwolle is.. Sws wat rust nu maar ga dat met ijs zeker probren.

Fijne avond nog.

Get well soon bro ^,...,^

Thanks man.

Have a good day there.

congrats! that your ankle is getting better!


Hopelijk juich ik niet te snel, maar heb er iig weer wat vertrouwen in :)


Great to hear that! Get some silicon support for your feet, it would help to make the impact of your walk "softer"

Hey Sandriana thanks for the tip indeed some extra support prolly wont hurt.

But for the upcoming days its flip flop time. The weather is great here :D

this post is so interesting,thanks for share.Hey, @markush Welcome back dear!!

Yes, you missed me didn't ya😂

Enkel blessures zijn echt klote.... heb je weleens dry bedeling geprobeerd. Dat stimuleert het helen ik dacht er het mijne over maar het hielp ..... deed wek pijn maar zon blessure ook dus... sterkte

Nee is niet prettig een enkel blessure, was bang dat ik joggen moest gaan opgeven.

Ik had geluk dat ik niet zoveel pijn had, zolang ik maar niet ging joggen of springen enzo. Deed ik dat wel was een dag er na me voet geblokkeerd. Kom ik niet meer lopen.

Dus nam ik maar veel rust, misschien juich ik te vroeg maar denk dat het nu aan het genezen is. Ben iig weer flink aan het joggen.

Nee nog nooit van dry bedeling gehoord. Maar nu heb je nooit meer last van je enkel(s)?

Het was enkel & achillespees en ik had van die naalden gehoord en was er bang van maar de pijn werd te groot en toch gedaan en na 4 x was de pijn weg heel apart nu niets meer van te merken

I just gained 30 followers in one minute?

Its possible becuase you have maximum power and the use of power catch here too much follower everyone which is new here this show that whether you give it upvote for comments they will follow you and that's is thing that give you better output.

Thanks for your comment.

But this is the first time i saw this. Its not that this is my first post. Or i just powerd up or something like that.

Really good work you show here and your post is too much good hope you will gain your goal past 🙂

Thanks man.