Pff indeed a longlasting injury is not fun. But yes im trying to get back in shape endurance wise. I want to go boxing or something like that.
"cool the ankle with ice. That never hurts the healing or at least prevents eventual swelling.
Spot on.. I should have done that. It felt a bit swollen today when i just finished jogging. Hopefully its just my ankle that has to get use to it again...
Btw thanks for the votes/support. Zit nu eindelijk op rep 62 👍 😎
Good job man. Congrats.
Am 4 or 5 posts away I think from hitting rep 60 myself, pfff.
The small swelling could be a reaction because of having done not much "different" pressure (sports I mean) on the ankle for quite a while. Keep cooling with ice after every training (even if not swollen) for a week or two; it will (should) stop then.
Thanks man,
Ja duurt lang he vanaf rep 55 ofzo. Helaas boosten mijn votes jouw rep niet. Of anders heel weinig . Maar ja gewoon blijven posten toch.
Precies wat je zegt.Lijkt er inderdaad op dat het na een lange tijd weer belast is, en daardoor beetje opgezwolle is.. Sws wat rust nu maar ga dat met ijs zeker probren.
Fijne avond nog.