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RE: Biased due to one sided ill information.

in #blog7 years ago

At least you have gained experience from it all dude. I know myself how easy it is to fall into the trap of looking at one side of the picture.

Heres to Bitcoin United even if it does sound like a football team! :OD


True mate, it is a learning experience.

Cheers to Bitcoin United, may it win the worldcup! :-)

Well it has a good chance! We shall back it and cheer like billy-o!!

BITCOIN U-NI-TED, clapclap clap-clap clap clap, BITCOIN U-NI-TED!

You, neeeeervuuuuur woaaaaalk a loooooonnnnne.


I can actually hear the song in my head!! Especially the woaaalk aloooooonnnne!!

Lolz :OD

Hahaha, same here, like a filled stadium singing choir in my head!

If they need it promoted I think we just came up with an awesome marketing plan!

We are full of ideas eh!!

We should start one of them community funding thingy posts! :O)

Make it so, mr. Boom, encrypt!