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RE: Anti-Social Media

in #blog7 years ago

much love mang, great article, the monetary mindset is what we have had forced upon us for generations, it is a hard cycle to break when it is so ingrained in our day to day life, society and the rest. i believe in time we will make the shift to be less focused on the $$$ that is being made and more on just being our congruent selves..... cause "to be yourself is all that you can do " :)


it's so true, it's hard to see until you make that really uncomfortable shift in perception and than once we've made it, it's hard to see that we didn't make the connection before....communication and love makes the world go around and it's everywhere if you look for it....people are starved for it and don't even know it. Thanks for the support mang as always!

As they say "looking for love in all the wrong places", we need to understand ourselves before being capable of finding love for ourselves, not only in personal relationships but with EVERYTHING. If you do not kno what YOU love in a car how can you find a car you love? if you do not know what YOU love in a house how can you buy a house you love?

we often spend the greater part of our lives "loving" what we are told to love in life, not really questioning IF we actually love it ourselves. it can be a cold hard realization that we have been conditioned so, however it is also one of the most liberating things you can do... to be yourself :)