Hello friends.
Trying to do good does not assure us a life free of trials and difficulties, but it does allow us to be at peace with ourselves. Although on many occasions we do not receive in return what we give, this does not mean that we should stop being good people.
Being kind has nothing to do with allowing our trust to be abused, quite the contrary. To be kind is to do good without looking at whom, but also taking into account what our limits are.
With love,
Rima, E.
Hola amigos.
Tratar de hacer el bien no nos asegura una vida libre de pruebas y dificultades, pero sí nos permite estar en paz con nosotros mismos. Aunque en muchas ocasiones no recibimos a cambio lo que damos, esto no significa que debamos dejar de ser buenas personas.
Ser amable no tiene nada que ver con permitir que se abuse de nuestra confianza, sino todo lo contrario. Ser amable es hacer el bien sin mirar a quién, pero también teniendo en cuenta cuáles son nuestros límites.
Con cariño,
Rima, E.
Don't stop doing good or even stop trying.
A person who does good, means he is done with himself, he has no problem with himself. As you said, has made peace with himself.Very wise @rima11 ,
There are concepts that we can apply in doing good, so that good deeds will never disappear and always grow in anyone, namely:
"Forget immediately the good you have done to others - Always remember the good that others have done to you."
it is true that friends do good to everyone, because kindness always gives us a better life, and trials will always come, which will make you can still do good.
have a nice day my friend @rima11
No matter what life status we have, we have our own unique act of kindness. I do appreciate people who have pure kindness to others. As much as I can, I am doing my best to share and show kindness to others, too.
Thank you so much dear! ❤️🙏
These are words of wisdom friend, like you've rightly said some people think they will be taken for granted if they show any act of kindness but I don't think that's the case.