Thanks a lot! Yes! My mother actually has recommended that I eat eggs and I have been eating them plain (with some salt) 2-3 times a day. I will try my best to try to do shorter, smaller meals, but it is pretty difficult.
I would love to be support partners if that's possible ^^ The first time I did my diet, I did it very poorly and only ate 1200 calories a day (poor diet) and I had LOTS and LOTS of health problems. I passed out from work and stuff. ><;;
Fruits and steamed protein is pretty good. You will still need calories because your body is not adjusted to lean diet yet, so go slow and go steady. I keep about 1,500 calories max a day, but taking clean food is one of the best because the ones that makes us put on unnecessary weight is actually the hidden sugar (from low fat stuffs, I can assure you). We DO need sugar but not process sugar; so keeping that minimum but have good clean food is the way to go.
I love edamame. It's a good source of protein and rock salt will not get you water retention (remember to drink water too). So that can be a good start besides just full boil eggs. :)
(that can be your snack)
If you have a chance, go for a health screen (if there's any free at your area), and you will have a good basic guideline what to put into your mind, body and soul. :)That's not a proper diet @rin . Sure, would love to join as one of your support partners. 1,200 calories poor diet will only give you more illness. You need to balance it with clean diet.