Today was hectic! I didn't have the time nor the mental strength to write a proper post, so I thought I should share one of my darkest secrets with you...
@ruth-girl has weird eating habits...
You mean like what?
I mean like trying all kind of weird stuff, like dipping bananas in my coffee...
Which BTW rocks! A combination you should try out! (Just don't leave the banana in for too long, it will melt and its texture will be funny)
Dipping chips (crisps for the British readers) in my beer...
Classic tastes better than oregano and bbq...
(@mariossap, this is for ΜΠ-Υ-ΡΑΤΣΑ gym day :P )
Chips are also good with yoghurt!
And bake-rolls in my ice cream
As long as the bake-rolls are salted and the ice cream vanilla!
(And yes, I have dimples on both cheeks!)
Well, you can now call me a freak... or not! These were some of my weird habits, I challenge you to tell me yours!
Thank you so much for your time!
Until my next post,
Steem on and keep smiling, people!
Images by @ruth-girl
I put chocolate chips in my jar of peanut butter and eat with a spoon out of the jar. It's delicious! I don't share my peanut butter jar with the rest of the family.
Τasty and not at all fattening :P
Have you tried some ice cream over it? ;)
έχω κάποια γεύματα να σου προτείνω,τα οποία τα έχω δοκιμάσει στο παρελθόν και μπορούν κάλλιστα να αντικαταστήσουν το καθαρτικό,χαχα :p
1.μίλκο με γεύση φράουλα μαζί με τυρόπιτα, 2.σαλδέλα με κέτσαπ, 3.φακές με πάστα serano, 4.παγωτό cornetto βανίλια με coca cola,5.αχλάδι με γάλα πλήρες...
έκανα κι άλλα μίξεις στα νιάτα μου που δεν τις θυμάμαι :p
Καλά κι εσύ το απογείωσες Μάριε... :Ρ
α,και παγωτο με ουισκυ ,αλλα δεν θυμάμαι μάρκες για να σου πω με ακρίβεια
δηλητηρίαση λέγεται ,όχι καθαρτικό !
Haha I really get the first one, but the other two are really little weird. xD
Thanks for the funny share. :D
BTW my strange eating habit is that I can drink cacao to almost every dish. :)
I am not doing it on a regular basis, but I could. rofl
I could drink that with almost every meal too! I love milk, you see.
Thanks for reading @mountain.phil28! :D
Dimples, ha @freaks
Dimply freaks!! :P
My strange eating habits are pretty simply. I like soda crackers (saltines) dipped in soda or sugary drinks before I eat them. I also like to cook my grilled cheese with pickle juice instead of butter (so good!) and one of my favorites is eating a poutine, which some people said is weird but it is one of the most delicious things I have ever tasted, so fucking good.
for those that do not know, a poutine is fries (chips for an Englishman) that have cheese curds mixed in and covered in gravy. It tastes delicious and its just... to die for! when made right. Just remember, cheese curds, do not use shredded cheese.
I do that with crackers too!
I kept fantasizing the cheese with pickle juice but that poutine thing... I'm drooling! So, it's kind of soggy like mashed potatoes only tastier?
Oh it is so good, its hard to explain for when it does right. So the best poutine I had the outside of the fries were soggy but the inside were still slightly crisp and the cheese had heated up to the point where it was almost a liquid layer covering the fries but under the gravy.
You eat it with a fork usually but some people eat it with their hands.
Also I am not the only one that dips crackers in pop!
You just described a piece of heaven...
Haha.. banana in coffee, I'll have to try that. I normally dip everything like cake and cookies in there, but that's going to be something new!
And as you know, I really like chocolate 😙
I know I like it, they mix good together, just don't let it too long in the cup, it will become too soft, a quick dip works fine for me!
Chocolate huh? I wonder if the Prince would have found Cinderella if her shoe was made of chocolate...
Hmmm, that girl lost her shoe... oh! well, at least I'll have a snack :P
LOL... yep, who wants a princess, if you can have her chocolate high heel 😂
Funny. I am a new follower as I saw you on @reinhard-schmid. I had to read this post. It didn't dissapoint.
Although I am trying to eat better, if one dips crisps (american chips) into American style yellow mustard, they taste like fast food french fries. Also maple syrup on eggs and toast is pretty darn good and with bananas, it's peanut butter and cinnamon for me. Also , day old mashed potatoes made into patties and fried crispy are pretty good, especially with sour cream and scallions/spring onions on. Ok, I better stop, I am trying to be better with my diet ;)
You are new and I welcome you with that?! Ahahaha! At least you know from the very start that the greek girl is cuckoo! :P
The one with the mashed potates is surely a must-try!! Does it need to be covered in flour-egg-crumbs and perhaps filled with some cheese? Aaah! I leave it here, drooling will ruin my keyboard fr$#39t3e5jg$5...
Xaxaxa.. exw ki egw paraksenies... alla kafe me mpanana???? Tha anebasw kai tis dikes mou exsi plaka.... :ppppp
Ε καλα μωρε, σοκολατα με μπανανα παει, σωστα; Σοκολατα με καφε επισης παει (κι αυτη τη βουταω που και που). Αρα παει και μπανανα με καφε!! :Ρ
Περιμένω να δω τι θα βγαλεις στη φορα! :D
Εγώ το'χω με junk foods αυτό:
και το χειρότερο που έχω κάνει και μου άρεσε, αλλά ο οργανισμός αντέδρασε άσχημα...
Γιαούρτι στραγγιστό με μια κουταλιά στιγμιαίο καφέ και μιση κουταλιά ζάχαρη :P
Τυρόπιτα έχω φάει! τα άλλα δύο όχι... αλλά έχω δοκιμάσει γαλοπούλα καπνιστή με σοκολάτα τύπου twix, εντάξει, δεν τρελάθηκα.
Πάντως μόνο εσάς ακούω να σας πειράζουν τέτοιοι συνδυασμοί, μέχρι στιγμής δενείχα παρενέργειες :P
Μόνο στο bonus combo είχα θέμα! Χαχαχα
ta 2 teleuta ta xo 9anakousei to proto omos pote :P
entometa9i to blepo na kano to challenge, nistazo arketa gia allo post :P me sozeis!
Κι εγώ δεν την πάλευα να βγάλω κανονικό ποστ απόψε... βαριά μέρα!
Στρίβειν διά της προκλήσεως λοιπόν... :P
When I was in my twenties, I enjoyed pouring sweetened condensed milk into glasses of Coca-Cola,
[Panda Condensed Milk, CC--BY-SA Ming Xia]
stirring slightly and downing it all in one gulp: super sweet sugar high!
The amazing thing is that I remained super-thin until my fifties.
I don't dip my bananas in coffee (I might give it a try), but I enjoy eating yellow bananas (no spots allowed!) with a glass of creamy milk!
Sweetened condensed milk in cola?! That's enough to give you energy for a week :P
The creemy milk with bananas is something I've done with strawberries. Cocoa powder and a good mix up with the milk and then fresh strawberries from the weekly open-air market... Such a delight!
I eat junks a lot. And I eat late at nights; does it count as weird eating habit? :)
Naah, many of us do that... :P
White beans and chocolate cake. Like, completely smother the chocolate cake (fudge icing, preferably) with the beans. They perfectly compliment each other. Aside from my dad, I have never met another person who has even heard of this.
You mean like a puree thing?! Weird, but I could taste that...
Mine is weirder,I dip spicy chips with tea. ; ) : )
Don't they melt? Hmmm, it doesn't sound that bad...
It's a complete art you know , you have to maintain time with alertness ,too much time inn makes it soggy & mushy.but if you pull out chips at right gives you a good taste. ; ) : )
I guess you learn how to balance it out after 2-3 failed attempts :P
I love jelly on my grilled cheese sandwiches. :)
That's... hmm... ok! :P
Sorry can't think of a more witty comment..
Lol and yikes..! :)
I will think about undertaking this challenge ...
I'll be waiting! :)
Εγώ οτι και να φτιαξω να φαω, η γυναίκα με κοιτάει στραβά και μου λέει πάντα "Ε δε πας καλά, τι άλλο θα δούμε!" Τι πειράζει δλδ που τρώω μακαρόνι με φυστικοβούτυρο, και χουρμάδες με αλατισμένα φυστίκια και ζολίτα; Και ξινομήλο μεσα στο τοστ με κασερι/μπριζολα, είναι Τ-Ε-Λ-Ε-Ι-Ο!
Για το μακαρονι δεν ξερω, αλλα οι αναμεικτοι ξηροι καρποι με τα φρουτα ειναι ωραιος συνδυασμος...
Ξινομηλο στο τοστ εεε;! Αυτο πρεπει να ειναι ιδιοφυες!! Σχεδον φαντασιωνομαι τι γευση εχει!
Hahah this is really weird dear, mine is salad with bread.
Salad with bread is not weird... We do it a lot here in Greece ;)
I love eating ice! Which is awful for not only my teeth but a sign that I am anemic. BUT I absolutely love it lol
I have a friend who does that!!
Perhaps you should check it out (I didn't know it was a symptom)
Thank you :) I def have checked it out and it has now become a habit of the past. But whenever I crave ice I know my iron levels are low so I take the necessary steps to change my food intake and herbal supplements. Tell your friend to look into Moringa or Blackstrap Molasses. Both have helped me with my anemia, naturally!
Oh, thanks I will ;)
Haha banana in coffee. ..i always put ketchup on pizza - Italians & Also English people are terrified 😂
It doesn't sound that bad... :P
Από τη στιγμή που δεν τρως πατατάκια με μερέντα είσαι πολύ καλά.. 😂😂
Βουτάω τις τηγανητές πατάτες στη μερέντα! Πιάνεται; :Ρ
Ανατριχιασα!! Μπροστά σε αυτό, τα πατατάκια με μερεντα μου φαίνονται όαση.. 😀
Καλά, δεν αντικαθιστώ και την κέτσαπ με μερέντα :Ρ
Todos tenemos hábitos alimenticios locos, yo por lo menos a la "hallaca" le agrego mostaza y me parece una delicia lo que para otros es horrible! Bueno tu post amiga!
My spanish is poor, I used google translation for your comment!
Well, you can eat anything you want as long as you don't force others to try! :P
I understand you, I'm Venezuelan.
dipping bananas in my coffee so funny man Resteem
I am @babangsunan really like your post every there is your post I do not forget upvote thank you friends have shared things that visit my blog @babangsunan interesting i love you
we all have weird habits but never mind just keep doing it as long as it doesn't harm the body or anything else haha :)
Yes, nothing harmful... just the occasional carb-overdose from time to time :P
Related to putting crisps in beer, I would put in-shell peanuts in beer. The extra sodium was.never going to overpower the beer and the shells gets soggy and who can't use a little extra fiber? ;)
Im a yankee so I had to look up bake rolls, so does it take on a biscotti role? I have transitioned away from a lot of carbs and sugars so I wont be able to try the last two but when I have a banana next, I'll try it with the coffee. Does it the banana influence the coffee at all?
In-shell peanuts? Hmm, next time I get my hand on those I'll try..
Bake rolls are kind like salted crackers. As for the banana, it won't spoil your coffee if you don't leave it sit for too long and melt...
I kind of want it to melt...maybe? Haha
I always do the peanut/beer combo in arenas/stadiums since that's one of the few times I will switch back to beer (I want tequila vendors walking the stands!
is that good? and whether it is worth the mistress
For me it is good!
maybe you are pregnant?
Negative... How many years can a pregnancy last? :P
Banana and coffee— I haven’t tried that. That’s indeed something unique😀
It is, if you try it, tell me how youliked it :)