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RE: Survived another Finnish midsummer.

in #blog8 years ago

Amazing pics :0) nice place to celebrate midsummer. Im from sweden so midsummer is over for me too. Also still here :-0) just love the cottage. Thx for sharing


Is midsummer a big thing in Sweden? :) Does it have a name of it's own, like in Finnish it's "Juhannus", which doesn't translate to midsummer (keskikesä)

No just midsommar. And yes its kind of a big deal with dancing around midsummerstång. And lots of food and fun :0) I have never seen a real finnish midsummer......interesting to hear. Cool name

So you have a midsummer-thong?

No I know, I've always found these midsummer poles amusing, but they look really nice.

But Finnish midsummer is eating too much, drinking too much and sauna, so dancing seems a bit.. fancy, maybe :)

I only dance at work with all the small children I work with and its fun. But on my freetime I honestly skip dancing and eat the food and just enjoy being with friends and family :0) ur way in Finland sounds much more
Sauna....hmmm maby not but the rest yes. Do u do sauna in the winter to and run out in snow? :0)

Ah, I can't imagine a group of (young) adults to dance together around the pole every midsummer :)

I don't run into the snow in winter, I go ice swimming ;) It's far better!

Not many young people dances any more. Mostly older. I think its more watching others dance is what we do. The pole is beautiful though and a nice tradition.
Ah so iceswimming u cold :-( lol

It brings warmth to your body :) Water is warmer than air in winter. You should try it sometime!

We go to a Swedish midsommar party every year here in the U.K. and they always have this big cross decked with flowers and then start singing strange songs and we down schnapps- no idea what they're saying but it's great fun!

It is fun :0) bu a little geeky :0) flowers are beautiful though. Then u must have a good laugh? Lol