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RE: Why Feminism Sucks...And Why We Don't Need It

in #blog8 years ago

Hi, i am very new to this site and i just read your article, why you make good points i just wanted to share that i feel like you have a misconception of what feminism is. I mean, yea i absolutely agree with you when you say there are things women just aren't able to do and that children need both parents to develop and thrive the best they can but that doesn't mean we don't need feminism. There are certain "feminist" issue that i do identify with, like equal pay because for me personally, i am in a field that is predominantly female (education). But that doesn't mean that I don't want equal pay for other women who don't get it. Rape culture is another one, while i have been catcalled like i'm sure almost every women has been, i haven't been sexually assaulted. I know people that have been both men and women. Men don't get treated as equally as women do if they're sexually assaulted so it only makes sense for me to want them to be treated equally, again another reason why i'm a feminist. A lot of the reasons aren't personal and i am very fortunate for that, but i still want people to be treated fairly and equally regardless of gender or sex.

This is just my opinion, thank you for sharing yours because I know it probably wasn't easy and the people (if there are any) that are putting you down for this are doing the opposite of fighting for equality.

Thanks for reading and for the article (: