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RE: A Steemit Observation On Followers

in #blog8 years ago

Majority of your followers are going to be opportunists who follow anyone they can and expect you to follow them back in return, their home page is so filled with entries your post will get lost in the middle of all of it, becuase the home page isn't catagorized they cant even find any good content based on their interests so they dont even use the home page when they looking for content to read.

Then the other thing is timing, I'm on steem more than any other news or social media site, in fact I can say that 90% of the content I read comes off steem these days just becuase there is sooo much good content in here. but I also have a social life, a wife and a job to keep, so if I were following you and you were to upload something while I'm not connected I'm unlikely to look back accross previous posts to find your article depending on how many people I'm following obvioulsy.

Those 6 people you speak of come out of the group of the few true followers you have and they happen to be on steem when you uploaded your post, they might be a different 6 each time or the same 6, who knows but I'm personally happy if my blogs have an effect on even 1 persons life.

Just keep blogging dude, and dont try to produce content for upvotes or money, produce genuine informative articles and you'll artract more true followers and they'll upvote your stuff, steem isn't a job, not everyone on here is earning hundreds of dollars per post and probably never will, the focus here is to share your experience and ideas so others can learn from them.

Good luck :)


Thanks for your thoughts. It was very helpful. Good luck to you as well.