I’m not sure who is happier here in Puerto Rico 🇵🇷, me or Nico. 😆
I’m not everyday in a bikini on the beach with him. These shots are from 10 days ago, but many days I do take him out to the beach at least for a little while after I finish my workday.
Heading out there now... 🌴🌊🇵🇷✨😊
Looks like great times. I'm so sick of the winter up here where I am.
By the way @steemed-open, I've been meaning to ask about your ankle bracelets. You seem to always have specific ones / colors. Sometimes people wear bracelets / rings of particular colors because they have certain meanings.
Do they have personal significance or meaning? Or just a fashion statement?
Just curious. You don't have to answer if it's too personal. Thanks!
By the way you asked, and italicized the essence of your inquiry, I feel like you already suspect the answer to your question. You have a keen eye to notice this ever present detail.
I love jewelry. I have a lot. I wear a lot. Partly because of my obsession with certain colors that I wrote about before, and partly because I just love jewelry as a way to express my mood. Jewelry is a creative outlet for me.
But anklets, yes, have a very special meaning. I’m never without one on, at least for the past 3.5 years.
My anklet(s) symbolizes my devotion. I haven’t written about this, but have planned to at some point. Although I’ve been in a relationship with @sean-king for 33 years, and we’ve been married for 25, our greatest happiness has been for the past 3.5 years with me living as His submissive 24/7. He is my Guide, my Guru, My Dom, my everything. 😍🙌🏽 And my anklet(s) symbolize my commitment and continued willing submission to this Man as my life Guide. They are more meaningful to us than our wedding rings.
Thank you for noticing and for asking. It gave me a chance to gush over Him. 😊😍
From your blog here you seem to have a devotional heart as well, so now I’m now curious if maybe you have any experience in this area? Of course you also don’t have to answer if it’s too personal.
Thank you so much for your honest and personal response. I wasn't sure exactly about their significance but I felt there was an important, even profound reason due to their prevalence. And from a fashion standpoint they are quite beautiful on you, I must disclose.
I think it's wonderful that you've been able to find the right balance in your relationship and marriage. It's no easy task, particularly in our post modernist world. I am still very curious how after more than 30 years of knowing the same gentleman than only within the past 3-4 years you made a drastic change in the fundamentals of your marriage.
Perhaps it was always present but not spoken about as openly. Did you both slowly build your relationship to that point? Or was there an acceleration in the latter years in how you felt about each other that compelled you to commit yourself more fully beyond basic wedding vows? If so, how did that acceleration get triggered?
As you can tell this a very familiar and deeply meaningful subject for me too. I've been married for about 15 years and have been involved with the same woman for almost 20 years. We are happy but for certain could be happier. We communicate and there aren't any big secrets but I don't think we've quite worked out the perfect balance in our relationship yet. But we are content and like many couples may only ever get this far. My ambition desires for more though.
For me personally I feel very much comfortable on both ends of the spectrum. I've always been a very deep person. Exploring emotional extremes in a loving relationship and how that relates to our human desires and perspectives fascinates me to no end. Whether it was in the complete and unconditional commitment of myself to another or experiencing the ultimate in complete control and responsibility over another. I feel happy and at peace and desire both extremes. It's the middle ground that's less appealing. So hence it's all about the right balance in a relationship. What works best for each couple. It can't be prescribed by politics or ideology of one group or another.
Was it mostly good open and honest communication that led you to your place of happiness?
Or would you say the inherent traits and qualities in each of you are to thank for good compatibility leading to your happiness in your relationship?
Thank you again. Your perspective and insight really means a lot and is extremely helpful to me.
Thank you. I used to find the anklets a bit overt, because inside I knew what they represented and I wasn’t yet comfortable expressing that on the outside. But now I can see they are lovely on me and I’m honored to wear our symbol.
How we came to this dynamic 3.5 years ago...It’s wasn’t a lifestyle that we researched, found options, picked living as D/s to be the best one, appraised the benefits to come, and implemented it. No, it was blind luck, or intuition, that led us here one night as I was crumpled in the car floor in a heap of panic, anxiety and despair. We had tried everything else to help me overcome anxiety and to feel better, and nothing worked long term. I always slid back into anxious misery with our prior attempts. So Sean suggested this dynamic and I’ll be damned if it’s not the best methodology for us. Now it just so happens that it suits our inherent natures. Unlike you I don’t switch from being in control to being controlled very easily. I’m simply submissive and have a nature of devotion, and He is naturally a smart, savvy leader type who enjoys directing. So it clicked immediately for us.
I still struggle at times with anxiety. It’s part of how I’m hardwired it seems. But I’ve never been stronger or happier than living this way. In learning to let go and trust Him, ultimately I’ve learned to let go and trust myself...and life.
And yes, absolute complete honesty and
Open communication is an essential element to the success of any relationship. #nohiding Especially one as intense as this type of dynamic.
I’m enjoying this comment chat with you and now plan to make on post on this topic soon. Thanks again.
Thank you immensely for your insight. It's very helpful and it means a lot.
I've often wondered if it was actually possible to live in such a relationship. People have so many ideas about it, most of what's out there is pure sexual fantasy though. Fantasy and every day reality are not often so compatible.
I'm looking forward to your future post on the subject. Thanks again! :)
The life of a digital nomad. 😊😊😊
True! 😃
Wow its really beautiful and amazing photography i like it.
Looks like your enjoying it. Made a great move there 💯🐒
So much 🙏🏽 I mean, it’s not perfect and I’m going to do a post about that. But overall we love it here.
Good to here. Look forward to the post. Hope its a bit more freedom though :) 💯🐒
A good sight to see...Both of you look great.
No one looks at a dog on the photo, you have an amazing body!
Awe, thanks. You are very beautiful yourself.
i think i`m going to folloe you...or Nico :)
Hahah on the first photo he looks super happy but focused at the same time. Really goofy :)
He’s really goofy, yes, and awesome
ohhh I thought that was Your outfit of the day everyday now! eheheh just joking... and even if it was... no one is here to judge You.
You should enjoy your life and to me it looks super enjoyable be there playing with Nico. :D
See @sergiomendes that’s why I like you. You make me think 🤔. You’re totally right. It doesn’t matter if this is or is not my outfit everyday. I don’t have to justify it either way and I was attempting to by saying “this isn’t everyday...”
😘 it is a mutual feeling. We sometimes tend to get lost in this small things and dont even notice. Thats why it is fun to have people around us that keep pushing our buttons eheheh
Dang, I ought to bring my dog, Rocky to the beach one day. But I am afraid to even unleash him for now :( Too hyperactive.
Nico is an especially well behaved dog and we’ve put a good amount of effort into his training as well. That’s why we can let him be free at the beach. Some of our past dogs...no way to wild!
That's great!
My dog actually bit another dog last month. Ugh. I felt SO BAD.
Oh man...I’d feel badly too at that. Maybe some training IS in order.
Yeah. For now I only walk him at night when nobody is around.
amazing photos the beach and vibe feels so playful
I love the way you manage friendship with Nico, the happiness on her face is too obvious.. Many people don't treat animals right. I love your perspective, my dearest regards to @sean-king
Fine woman, you are so interestingly beautiful, a real expression of a Happy and contented woman, but I bet Nico is happier than you in these photographs,
I guess all Puerto Ricans are this awesome, greetings from Nigeria, much love from Barrister @etypearl
Nico is amazingly happy. We all are here. Thank you for your kind comment, and welcome to Steemit.
this photos made me remember my dog bingo, she was so faithful but I lost her to gunshots, Nico is beautiful and amazing.
You have an awesome shape there @steemed-open
This scenery is so unique, amazing is the word. Puerto Rico, is that Latin America?
It’s amazing. It’s in the Caribbean east of Cuba and Haiti/Dominican Republic.
wow that's a great view ,, btw nice muscles great tone (:
Thanks honey. You have great tone as well. 👌🏼