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RE: Nico Loves the Beach Life

in #blog7 years ago

Thank you. I used to find the anklets a bit overt, because inside I knew what they represented and I wasn’t yet comfortable expressing that on the outside. But now I can see they are lovely on me and I’m honored to wear our symbol.

How we came to this dynamic 3.5 years ago...It’s wasn’t a lifestyle that we researched, found options, picked living as D/s to be the best one, appraised the benefits to come, and implemented it. No, it was blind luck, or intuition, that led us here one night as I was crumpled in the car floor in a heap of panic, anxiety and despair. We had tried everything else to help me overcome anxiety and to feel better, and nothing worked long term. I always slid back into anxious misery with our prior attempts. So Sean suggested this dynamic and I’ll be damned if it’s not the best methodology for us. Now it just so happens that it suits our inherent natures. Unlike you I don’t switch from being in control to being controlled very easily. I’m simply submissive and have a nature of devotion, and He is naturally a smart, savvy leader type who enjoys directing. So it clicked immediately for us.

I still struggle at times with anxiety. It’s part of how I’m hardwired it seems. But I’ve never been stronger or happier than living this way. In learning to let go and trust Him, ultimately I’ve learned to let go and trust myself...and life.

And yes, absolute complete honesty and
Open communication is an essential element to the success of any relationship. #nohiding Especially one as intense as this type of dynamic.

I’m enjoying this comment chat with you and now plan to make on post on this topic soon. Thanks again.


Thank you immensely for your insight. It's very helpful and it means a lot.

I've often wondered if it was actually possible to live in such a relationship. People have so many ideas about it, most of what's out there is pure sexual fantasy though. Fantasy and every day reality are not often so compatible.

I'm looking forward to your future post on the subject. Thanks again! :)