Blocked bowel - [ENG/ESP]

in #bloglast year



My grandmother who will be dead for three years next year, her main cause was a blocked bowel, an obstruction that she presented without warning, she simply could not relieve herself for three days and that is when she told us and we immediately took action. Unfortunately because of the pandemic it was very complicated to go to a hospital if it was not for covid, so a family member helped us to get a doctor to go home to detect the problem, it was a ball that she had in her stomach by touching her belly, from there it was all medication to try to loosen the stool and release it.

It seemed simple, but it was not, the doctor recommended that if 24 hours went by without bowel movements to go to the hospital as an emergency. When she arrived at the emergency room they took a history and grabbed IV's for her subsequent operation which was supposed to be an emergency, according to the doctors present. What happened, the grandmother was hospitalized in the emergency room for five days and they could not operate, and on top of that, everyone's prognosis was that she could not survive because she had already had a long time.

In the end she passed the operation with complete success, but she did not last long, only a few months, less than two, the doctor who operated her told us that when the intestine that was showing through the colostomy bag started to turn black was when she would die, he was not wrong and neither was he wrong with the time he gave her to live.


Mi abuela que va para tres años de fallecida el año que viene, su causa principal fue el intestino bloqueado, una obstrucción que presentó sin avisos, simplemente no pudo hacer sus necesidades por tres días y fue cuando ella nos dijo y de ahí inmediatamente tomamos acción. Lamentablemente por la pandemia era muy complicado asistir a un hospital si no era por covid, por eso un familiar nos ayudo a conseguir un doctor que fuera a casa para detectar el problema, se trataba de una pelota que tenía en el estómago a través del tacto en su barriga, de ahí todo fueron medicamentos para intentar aflojar las heces y liberarlas.

Parecía sencillo, pero no fue así, el doctor recomendó si pasaban 24 horas sin hacer las necesidades ir al hospital como emergencia. Al llegar a emergencia le hicieron una historia y le agarraron vías para su posterior operación que se suponía que era de emergencias, según los doctores presentes. Que pasó, la abuela estuvo cinco días internada en emergencias y no podían operar, y encima los pronósticos de todos era de que no podía sobrevivir por que ya tenía mucho tiempo.

Al final superó la operación con total éxito, pero no nos duró mucho solo unos meses, menos de dos, el doctor que la operó nos dijo que cuando el intestino que le salía mostrándose por la bolsa de colostomía se comenzara a colocar de color negro era cuando ya fallecería, no se equivoco ay tampoco con el tiempo que le dio de vida.



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