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RE: Coffee and a smoke with Fergus : January psychic debris edition

in #bloglast year

I did obsessive research after I saw it, and I came to the same conclusion.
In all of the stories I have read, I might be the only one who saw this thing during the daytime. It was like 3pm when I saw it!
It's interesting how the black, shaggy, red eyed creature takes slightly different forms in different parts of the world. A wolf here, a dog in England, a coyote in Mexico, a fox in Japan... etc.
I had never heard the connection to Odin before. That is super interesting. Thanks Basil!


yeh Odin was supposed to have a whole pack of these things I think....and theres a phenomenon across northern Europe called 'The wild hunt' or something where people have experienced multiple giant demon dogs, some with demonic riders etc.
chicken or the egg though right? These phenomena are probably WHY the legends of Odins dogs exist. Lots of stuff we are unable to explain