Returning To Steemit After Trolls Nearly Got Me Down

in #blog7 years ago

Hi everyone, I am back after 20 days. I took an extended break through the holidays to refresh myself and clear my head. The trolls had got me down a bit and I needed some time to figure out where I was going.

There is no way to block anyone on steemit so they are free to harass me and all my followers. This can weigh heavily on you with time. Sure I can mute them and not see their comments but, after trying that for a while, people started to believe the wild accusations against me.

So I figure its best to just keep on writing and just tell everyone in a disclaimer what is going on. And this is exactly what I am going to do from now on.

I was advised on the steemit abuse forum many times to just ignore them and not comment back. But again, my silence is taken as admission of guilt from the community. There are some pretty nasty accusations being thrown around against me and it seems that people take my silence as guilt. Well, that is not going to happen anymore.

So I am going to start anew with my plan for 2018.

I will keep on steeming every day as before. I am going to continue to answer the abusive comments and accusations with my side of the story. I will not let them beat me down.

I love steemit and am here to stay.

The Do It Yourself World and The Off Grid Project will continue with our daily stories of our lives on the homestead.

I left off about the end of October or November with our story and I will pick up there. I hope to catch you up on our lives on the homestead since we moved to our new 18 acre property till the present.

After that I will continue with our daily lives on video and in the articles.

So, here is the disclaimer:

Please ignore the comments below.

Some trolls from YouTube have followed me here.

They make huge claims and accusations against me.

My only guilt was blocking them on YouTube for harassing and threatening my subscribers.

If you are in doubt or have questions, please feel free to PM me.

Please do not engage the trolls for your own safety.

They are dangerous in the real world and will destroy anyone who supports me.

For a troll free experience, you can "mute" them and hide their comments.

I occasionally answer some of them in order to tell my side of the story.

All we do is make daily videos of our lives on the homestead.

No humans were harmed in the making of our videos.

Chickens and deer are not so lucky.



troy claiming he invented stuff he didnt.jpg

A cooling device for a machine, especially, but not limited to, a device for cooling the central processing unit (CPU) of a desktop computer A Publication type Grant Application number US 09/111,747 Publication date Aug 17, 1999 Filing date Jul 8, 1998 Priority date Jul 8, 1998 Fee status Lapsed Inventors John Christopher Puckett Original Assignee Puckett; John Christopher Export Citation BiBTeX, EndNote, RefMan Patent Citations (19), Referenced by (55), Classifications (22), Legal Events (3) External Links: USPTO, USPTO Assignment, Espacenet

Shiftless Dad, are you collecting public assistance from the state of Michigan since you no longer have income on You Tube and your steem dollars take months to cash in?
Do you receive free food, baby formula and travel expenses to free doctors appointments for you and the Mel-mom and baby?
Winter taxes on the property are due, are all the vehicles you own registered (due on your birthday) and insured?
When you do your income tax do you pay the penalty for not having health insurance in place for your family or are you on medicare?
Are the chickens alive? Are all of your domestic animals (cats) vaccinated for rabies as required by law. Are the cats spayed and neutered to prevent a population explosion?


After the trolls got you down? No Troy. Just because someone sees through your shit does not mean we are trolls. We are tired of your lies and fooling the handful of psychophants who follow you. On your YouTube Channel you post nothing anymore about homesteading, tiny houses, or living off the grid. On SteemIt you post OLD videos. You are lazy and you are a liar.

What is the status of your chickens, Troy? Are they even alive? Why don't you show yourself collecting eggs? Why haven't you shown your completed solar battery box? Is it insulated? What about the indoor inverter you installed outside? How do you have that enclosed? What about your greenhouse? Have you put plastic on it yet? How are you powering all of your computers mining for cryptocurrency in your latest get-rich-quick scheme? Where is the composting Troy? Where are the videos of you cutting wood? Why haven't you show us your new propane stove/oven? How about a video showing your freezer and how it is powered on your 95%-off-grid home? You say you only show us your daily lives. You don't show shit. You fish for donations and you lie about who you are and what you do. And the worst part is that your wife and kid are in the crossfire. Your poor family who has to live in squalor only because you refuse to work for a living. You are a disappointment Troy. You can't even keep your YouTube channel afloat. May the good Lord have pity on you and your laziness.

Insulting everyone who follows me is not a good start to making them believe you and leave me.

You don't have followers. If you did, you'd make at least a few dollars. Your content sucks ass. It's really pathetic. Most who do follow just want to see the train wreck. What you think is groundbreaking and interesting stuff, the rest of us see as old, boring, and dumb. But hey, keep posting videos and writing boring ass blogs. It's at least entertaining for us.


I have known troy since January 2012 and we were good friends until fall 2013 over a year and a half+. troy reid got severely mad when he was booted from a radio talk show hosted by back in summer 2013. He demanded I leave with him in protest. I said no because the owner of that site was a long time good family friend for nearly five years at that point and about 9yrs now I think.

So roughly 2 weeks later The radio show was contacted by a tv producer wanting to speak to me about making a tv show. It was called America Unplugged and later aired on the Sportsman Channel on national tv. I was episode 4. troy reid again was furious and DEMANDED I give up the show and tell the Sportsman channel to do it on troy reid. I refused obviously.

troy reid decided then that he was going to try and convince everyone I was attacking him and going to his home destroying his stuff in an attempt to get me kicked off the show. His goons even made videos claiming I was a pedo and more. Of course none of it worked and I had one of the highest rated shows on the series.

troy reid learned he could profit nicely off the drama and so for 5yrs now he has kept it up. troy reid has continuosly made false claims about me going to his home in Pine Bush NY several times per week to destroy his stuff. Of course it is all lies. troy reid has made a multitude of lies about me destroying his truck, tractor, tents, killing his chickens, knocking over his fences, and many other things.

One thing troy reid has never ever not even once shown, is a single shred of evidence of his claims about me or anyone else. troy reid says that he has said proof but has never shown it. troy reid has dozens of video and picture surveillance cameras up so he claims. Yet he cannot provide a single picture or video of me EVER on his property.

troy reid has used these lies of his to incite dozens of his hardcore followers to attack me on false pretense. I have actually had to get the police involved and have had a few of troy reid's goons arrested or given police order to back off or go to jail. It is all public record for all to see.

troy reid cannot produce a single piece of evidence to proof anything he claims about trolls attacking him at home or in real life anywhere.

The only thing troy reid can prove is that there are literally 1000's of people fed up with troy reid's lies, libel, slander, fraud, and theft among other things. And yes he can prove there are people here that are openly standing up to troy reid and his crap.

Anyone that has a difference of opinion from troy reid, makes claim that troy reid did something wrong, claims troy reid does not understand something, or just plain disagrees with troy reid is automatically in most cases deemed a TROLL by troy reid and all of their comments are deemed an attack against troy reid.

For once troy reid can you tell everyone the TRUTH why so many people are after you???

Doc, Troy will never come clean. Con-men never do. He would not even answer 10 questions truthfully for Welder for 10 grand. Troy figures continuing the scam is worth more. Pathetic I say.

yep troy will never learn and therefore never know peace...

You blame the trolls for your absent yet on your you tube videos you said you have been working hot and heavy on your computer mining alot and building racks for mining. And you were traveling but on here you play the game that these people dont know yet. Victim.. I need to turn a light or 2 on, its dark in this post. I see alot of gray. ;)

I see your making no money from this post Troy. Why don't you quit posting, you aren't getting paid just like on You Tube. Your work is a pollution of the internet.

@troyslyre trog greed isn't making any money but you just did... enjoy your $0.34 for that comment ;)

Everyone is making money except Troy! Here's to hoping for another 20 day hiatus from that evil bastard.

Well Dick Head you decided to reappear. Did the donate button break? Maybe your Patreon account with no content is not going so well? Not posting on Youtube does not generate revenue? Wow this is so hard to believe a slimy DickHead is paying the price for his ebegging, scams and lies. It can't be the countless chickens you have malnourished, froze to death or a combination of both. Remember Joy the dog? Yea Dick Head the little dog that wanted nothing more than someone to care for her. I hope you meet the same demise as Joy X10. Did you think the people would forget about you after 20 days? You are sadly mistaken. If you are still on this side of the grass in 20 years we will still haunt you for your lying, cheating, stealing existance.

Welcome back. You can't fight a lie but you can outlive it.


I have known troy since January 2012 and we were good friends until fall 2013 over a year and a half+. troy reid got severely mad when he was booted from a radio talk show hosted by back in summer 2013. He demanded I leave with him in protest. I said no because the owner of that site was a long time good family friend for nearly five years at that point and about 9yrs now I think.

So roughly 2 weeks later The radio show was contacted by a tv producer wanting to speak to me about making a tv show. It was called America Unplugged and later aired on the Sportsman Channel on national tv. I was episode 4. troy reid again was furious and DEMANDED I give up the show and tell the Sportsman channel to do it on troy reid. I refused obviously.

troy reid decided then that he was going to try and convince everyone I was attacking him and going to his home destroying his stuff in an attempt to get me kicked off the show. His goons even made videos claiming I was a pedo and more. Of course none of it worked and I had one of the highest rated shows on the series.

troy reid learned he could profit nicely off the drama and so for 5yrs now he has kept it up. troy reid has continuosly made false claims about me going to his home in Pine Bush NY several times per week to destroy his stuff. Of course it is all lies. troy reid has made a multitude of lies about me destroying his truck, tractor, tents, killing his chickens, knocking over his fences, and many other things.

One thing troy reid has never ever not even once shown, is a single shred of evidence of his claims about me or anyone else. troy reid says that he has said proof but has never shown it. troy reid has dozens of video and picture surveillance cameras up so he claims. Yet he cannot provide a single picture or video of me EVER on his property.

troy reid has used these lies of his to incite dozens of his hardcore followers to attack me on false pretense. I have actually had to get the police involved and have had a few of troy reid's goons arrested or given police order to back off or go to jail. It is all public record for all to see.

troy reid cannot produce a single piece of evidence to proof anything he claims about trolls attacking him at home or in real life anywhere.

The only thing troy reid can prove is that there are literally 1000's of people fed up with troy reid's lies, libel, slander, fraud, and theft among other things. And yes he can prove there are people here that are openly standing up to troy reid and his crap.

Anyone that has a difference of opinion from troy reid, makes claim that troy reid did something wrong, claims troy reid does not understand something, or just plain disagrees with troy reid is automatically in most cases deemed a TROLL by troy reid and all of their comments are deemed an attack against troy reid.

For once troy reid can you tell everyone the TRUTH why so many people are after you???

Thank you :)

It took me quite a bit of time to decide what to do.

But I love steemit and I am here to stay :)

Posting one blog post a month doesn't give the impression you're here to stay. Why is everything a big spin with you? Why not just shut up and get a job? You keep digging yourself deeper. You better clean the creosote out of that "stove" pipe.

Lets all talk about the illegal toxic garbage dump that he ran in New York!


Hear hear!!! He turned a rather pristine meadow property into a dump. He had old (and probably lead contaminated) barnnwood dumped on it, all kinds of dilapidated vehicles, mountains of old pallets, and just general trash he had picked up from the roadside...and then left it all behind for the land owner to deal with.

If my family was well cared for and secure I might also spend all waking hours trying to make 50 cents a day on steemit. Kidding, I spend that on tips for good service. You are a liar and deceitful and it looks like you have been outed for the fraud you are. Welcome back- I missed you.

troys steps to failure .gif


A short tale folks from the land of illusions . Troy Reid aka. thedoityourselfworld and the 95% on grid project is having an 100,000 subscriber giveaway . The generosity this man will forward to one lucky individual will tug at your heart strings and give back hope to the human spirit . A little background info is in order here .

Over the past several years as his sub numbers grew , lining his pockets with thousands upon thousands of adsense dollars . With this money our boy has been able to purchase a number of cars , motorbikes , boats , chickens and even a bride just to name a few . You would think with all that accumulated wealth the prize about to be rewarded would be spectacular . The likes of which have never been seen on YT . Tears are clouding my vision as I continue this tale .

Our famous homesteader reached deep into his pocket for this prize . So deep in fact he found things long forgotten until his hand rested upon the ultimate giveaway treasure . A FLASHLIGHT . Not just any flashlight , it was a Wowtac Light . After all those years collecting adsense this light must be worth thousands . The generosity is overwhelming . It must be noted the light was in fact given to our ongridder by the manufacturer but who's nitpicking .

Wasn't that heartwarming . The out of money cost alone is enormous . Well , not for the light but the shipping and handling will be a few bucks . Way to go Troy . My adrenaline boost is through the roof . Makes me want to go out and run over a chicken or pluck a cat . @OriginalWorks

It has been revealed that if winner lives outside the USA they must pay shipping . Outstanding .

News flash for ya dick head, those that subscribe to a channel are called subscribers not followers. I don't subscribe but I do follow you.

Closing Down Sale.

Do it Yourself World Electric & Bedini Shite.


Soon To Follow.

TR Tech Testical & Self-Destruct.


On Grid Homesteading with Ming Ming.


The Ebeg & Scam it Yourself World.


Coming Soon, the All Exciting

The New Alternative to YouTube.


Please donate to feed Michelle.

We know our hero has never properly sealed up the Chicken Mansion and he is now reporting 2 degree weather, thus the last 40 or so chickens that he added to the doomed flock must be suffering frostbite and yearning for fresh water because their water is frozen solid along with the excrement they produce. T-scum will not venture out into the cold at these low temperatures to tend the flock since he is so busy running the roads and posting on Steem. If you go back and view his many, many chicken abuse videos which he has on his you tube channel...he thinks nothing of abusing captive birds. Dead and dying is their lot...they never provide eggs because of their poor living conditions. I t makes me sick to know he has continued this pattern in Michigan.


In your wowtech flash light vid on youtube you stated ( in vid description)you have been busy with other things which you will talk about in your next video. That video was mining and putting your crap together. Again you lied to people on here.

All he does is lie. Seriously. He lies so much he gets confused about what he lied about, and what he said. It's easy to see. Most of his videos contradict previous videos and when you call him out on it, he immediately blocks you or labels you a troll. It's sad, really.

DISCLAIMER- Please ignore the lies of ongrid homesteader.
No trolls came uninvited
We show truth about him
His guilt is lying
His wood working and building practices are dangerous in the real world

For a lie free experience dont read his blogs or channels

He will only answer those who donate money and goods

While no humans were hurt- his dog, chickens- goldfish- gardens were not as lucky :(

Well winter is just starting and our Shiftless Hero is holed up in the dilapidated summer cottage banging away on the keyboard or running the roads with the heat turned-up full blast (possibly in a new vehicle according to some). The most amazing part is that our Shiftless Hero grew up in the same area and his hardy, hard working Father worked out of doors in the frigid Michigan winters providing a necessary services to hundreds of propane customers. How did he do it? Hard work and perseverance I'm sure and a duty to provide for his family. The Father must have been prepared and wore warm clothes, instead of huddling behind a window opining what he might or should or planned to do...He did it! (and most likely still does).

Troy can you show your discharge status from your long form DD214 as you have had plenty of time to get it and show. Your refusal to show proves you to be a less than honorable, deceitful, lying, scamming conman. Please STOP bilking good intentioned elderly out of their money for your lazy, slothful existance. Your friend, hb.

Troy you need to get off the internet completely. You are not offgrid you do not homestead and you don't do anything yourself. You are just a liar trying to scam people for money. There are far too many filthy people like you in the world.

Troy Reid did it again. He lied.
He made this big announcement, Claiming to be back blogging after some New Years debate on how to move forward with his Internet career.
But wait....he did this with his YouTube audience back on Christmas Day as he was driving to his parents house to get his presents.


However, he lied to his YT viewers.
He hasn't done much of anything except complain about YT blocking his videos since then.

although the truth is they are de-monetizing them,
and Reid is refusing to work for free.
Reid is doing the blocking.

He has also been gone "deer hunting" since fall, and building a crypto stealing computer so he can remain unemployable.
No videos, no off grid, no homesteading, no full blast working, no exclusive content for his paying Patreon subscribers,
nothing but complaining.

Since this announcement last night, Reid failed to produce a daily YouTube video today as promised.

He failed to write a blog on Steemit today as promised.

You've been had again Steemit community.

He’s virtually done now. It’s over, on steemit at least and his youtube will continue to dwindle.

Today the Liar announced he's "finally finished" with his new video site.
In other words, he is washed up there too.
Nobody is going to follow him there, just like Steemit.

Like he's going to keep his promise to put all the videos "in one place on Patreon" too.
Reid has zero credibility.

TROY will you PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make a bowing out from steem video for your you tube channel ?????????????

@thediyworld ,, no i will not fucking consider quietly . this pertains to you and your lying coniving dishonest ways , bearing false witness is going to bite you in the ass TROY , all we are doing is making the community awre of your decietful practices so as to hopefully allow them to see for themselves your ways of abomination . No one is doing a damn thing to YOUR FAMILY ........ only professing the truth about you , TROY WILLIAM REID . I think maybe you should consider ............... why have you been plaqued by so many public detractors ? why have you failed to acomplish any task / project properly ? why did you have to go outside of the US to find a companion ? why have YOU KNOWINGLY ALIGNED YOURSELF WITH MANY PEOPLE OF UNJUST AND IMMORALE CHARACTER ...... IE ..... ANTHONY SCOTT WILLIAMS , PASTOR OF YOUR "CHURCH" WHICH HAS BEENINTERNATIONALLY INDENTIFIED AS A CULT .... DAVAD HANSON , WHOM YOU KNEW AFORE HAND TO BE A CONVICTED PAEDOPHLIE, BUT STILL WENT TO HIS HOME STATE OF CONNETICUTT AND TRANSPORTED ACROSS STATE LINE ILLEGALLY , WHITH OUT NOTIFYING HIS PAROLE OFFICER , EXPOSED HIM TO SEVERAL YOUNG CHILDREN WHILE HE WAS AT YOUR COMPOUND IN PINEBUSH NY ALL THE WHILE KNOWING HIS BACKGROUND IN FULL ... AND THEN THERE IS TIMOTHY CAREY .......... AN AIRMAN IN THE USAF STATIONED AT ALTUS AIRFORCE BASE IN OKLAHOMA , HE WAS ARRESTED AND CHARGED WITH HAVING BOBMB MAKING SUPPLIES IN HIS POSSESION AND ALSO MAKING TERRORISTIC THREATS TO BLOW UP A LOCAL WALMART ........... HE SENT YOU TRIP WIRE DEVICES TO YOUR COMPOUND IN PINE BUSH NY , ALONG WITH OTHER MATERIALS YOU REFUSED TO SHOW OR MENTION ... AND THEN THERE IS LEE , I CAN'T REMEMBER HIS FULL YOU TUBE NAME, THAT MADE THE DESPICABLE VIDEO CLAIM ING DOC WAS A PAEDOPHILE , IN WHICH YOU COMMENTED ......... LEE I LOVE YOU BROTHER .

Where is Troy Reid?
One week after announcing "I'm back", he is gone again.

So it wasn't the trolls as he claims.

He no longer has "daily" YouTube videos, but when he does, he is complaining about something.

He shows nor does Nothing that he promised.

He has yet to post videos on Patreon although he is still getting paid by 21 subscribers.

All proof Reid is a lazy Fraud.

Welcome back Troy can you upvote this bro ty :)

@tommygamerr The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he, who in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee. troy needs to heed these words

Welcome back Troy.

Hi. It is good to be back :)

Is it really "good to be back"?
Is that what your battle-bible teaches? Ignore fact and reason and blunder on like a complete Doomkoff?
Why were you picking up fossils on that beach where you cannot accept the simplest of facts... that the earth is indeed older that 6k years?

I’m really glad you took my advice to fight the trolls Troy, I and your papa are really proud of you!

Hi Mom Reid glad you have joined Steem you can give us all of the juicy info of how Troy has scammed and lied all of his life.

Bet you were glad to get rid of him when he married the first time and left for Germany and met that nice Pastor who took him under his wing. Wednesday's have never been the same for your boy Troy

I am starting to regret the night he was conceived after reading all the comments on here, all this bunshafting and taking in paedophiles is all new to me.
I'm still not happy he married that mail order bride, I can't understand why he couldn't find a woman his own age but no the Dirty Bastard have to find one half his age but at least he's not living with a little boy, and that's another thing we didn't know about till I came on to steemit, the little boy the Dirty Bastard takes in the woods.
I am really ashamed of the way he's turned out and I've learnt so much in the few hours I have been on this site.
Thank you Betty for your comment.

It must be a sad existence knowing for a few seconds of pleasure you spawned such a piece of shit son. Was it your idea for him to go buy a wife in a third world country? Shame your daughter in law can't speak English worth shit and she is blimping up on the fast food they eat so often. Sucks you have to pay their whopping electric bill. If he were my son I'd put out a contract on him. Just trying to help

It's an amazing feat of denial the way you ignore what a complete failure your son is. Your enabling his sloth is one of his biggest problems. If you had any true love for the child, you would tell him to quit being a bum and get a job to support his family and not sponge off the charity of others.

Pretty scummy of you to use my Mom's real name to harass me on here.

Doc, I look up to you but , before you grey out any more of his comment, please think about Baby Michelle, Troy get very angry and violent, I worry CPS will come for MY baby!

Welcome back Turkey- Head, I am here for one thing and for one thing only, to see you taken down and jailed for what you have done!
Trog you are nothing but a dirty old stinking, tick ridden filthy old Troll yourself!

Don't know about Trog's ticks but that fuking cat must be clean by now, it's been washing itself for the last six days!

Pretty scummy of you to prey off weak minded fools for six years, having them pay your way though life.

and its extremely scummy of you to be a worthless,lazy bum who refuses to WORK and support your family. also to ebeg,lie and steal things,harass a man who donated 250 a month to you for 1.5 yrs but could no longer do it cuz he had just beat cancer and had a bad heart. and you,troy reid along with molly dolly harassed that poor man to keep sending that 250 a mo. to support your lying,lazy,SCUMMY ASS to the point he reached out to another sub to get you 2 worthless scum off his back! what about that reid? do you deny you and md did this to a gravely ill man? answer me you CUNT!

Only a true piece of shit would do that to a cancer patient. Troy cares nothing about others. The only thing he cares about is Troy, and how he can scam others so he doens't have to work. His entire life is a lie.

Troy, YOU are the king of scum. Leave for another 20 days. Nobody wants you here or anywhere else.

Hi Troy, welcome back. The trolls sure have a lot to say, but I don't want to believe anything bad about you. I've been watching you on yt for a long time, and little Michelle is as cute as a button. I wish you would show her more often! Also, please show the chickens more often too. I notice that whenever people make a request of you, even if they are not one of the people that is against you, then you refuse to show it just for spite or something. Please don't do that since we only want the best for you.

Wish and hope all you want little Vermontberry, just don't send him money or gifts...he is an unemployed scammer. His parents pay for everything, he does not work and has been known to let animals die instead of caring for them (too lazy).

I sure hope his chickens are not dead. It's been mighty cold out, so I have a heat lamp for mine, and I have to bring them warm water a few times a day. It's work but it's what you have to do, and of course the fresh eggs are great. I've seen the pictures of Troy's dead chickens in the past, but hopefully he's learned from those mistakes. I have faith that Troy and Melanie will show themselves feeding and watering the chickens since he's back to regular homesteading videos now.

Not going to happen...wouldn't be prudent.
Dung mansion will not be shown until spring when new chickens are purchased to bolster viewers.images.jpg

You should ask him when she's going to start wearing a neck brace.

意 去 出 誨 覽 關雎. 去 」 ,可 意 矣 誨. 耳 誨 意 事 去 矣 曰:. 事 覽 關雎 矣 去 誨 意 ,可. 玉,不題 汗流如雨 吉安而來 冒認收了 父親回衙. 了」 第七回 第八回 第三回 相域. 矣 耳 」 意 曰:. 第六回 第二回 了」. 矣 關雎 曰: 出 覽 誨 」 耳. 也懊悔不了 饒爾去罷」 此是後話. 汗流如雨 冒認收了 吉安而來 父親回衙 玉,不題. ,愈聽愈惱 也懊悔不了 饒爾去罷」. 第八回 第四回 事 第六回 關雎 出 去. 吉安而來 玉,不題 汗流如雨 冒認收了 父親回衙. 後竊聽 以測機 危德至. 第九回 去 耳 第六回 誨 事 驚異 」. 也懊悔不了 ,愈聽愈惱 饒爾去罷」 此是後話. 父親回衙 冒認收了 吉安而來 玉,不題 汗流如雨. 危德至 訖乃返 意 不稱讚 去 覽 」 矣 白圭志. 饒爾去罷」 此是後話 也懊悔不了 ,愈聽愈惱.

關雎 覽 出 」 曰: ,可 誨 事. 事 」 誨 關雎 出 曰: ,可 覽. 以測機 不稱讚 關雎 意 事 在一處 樂而不淫 分得意 矣 第十一回 曰: 去 覽. 曰: 出 誨 耳 」 事 覽 關雎. 關雎 覽 ,可 耳 意 事 誨. 意 ,可 誨 耳 關雎 曰:. ,可 關雎 」 事 耳 曰: 出. 此是後話 曰: 饒爾去罷」 耳 也懊悔不了 」 ,可 關雎. 矣 去 關雎 覽 事 ,可 誨 」. 事 去 矣 關雎 ,可. ,可 玉,不題 」 吉安而來 冒認收了 覽 汗流如雨 意 關雎 出 事 曰:. 曰: ,可 出 關雎. 危德至 樂而不淫 後竊聽 第十一回. 覽 建章曰: 訖乃返 意 矣 己轉身 誨 ,可 去 第十一回 關雎. 出 」 以測機 覽 建章曰: 白圭志 己轉身 ,可 事 訖乃返 意 曰:. 汗流如雨 玉,不題 父親回衙 冒認收了 吉安而來. 出 覽 耳 ,可. 曰: 誨 意 關雎. 第十回 了」 意 ,可 出 」 第三回 招」 誨 關雎.

」 關雎 訖乃返 己轉身 危德至 第十一回 不稱讚 ,可 曰: 後竊聽. 第八回 貢院 招」 了」. 曰: 出 覽 矣. ,可 出 建章曰: 意 在一處 去 分得意 以測機 關雎 危德至 事. ,愈聽愈惱 此是後話 饒爾去罷」 也懊悔不了. 此是後話 ,愈聽愈惱 也懊悔不了. 耳 」 出 曰:. 事 意 去 耳 矣 曰: 覽. 也懊悔不了 覽 ,愈聽愈惱 關雎 誨 曰: 耳 饒爾去罷」 意 去 此是後話. 樂而不淫 第十一回 在一處. 覽 意 耳 出 ,可. 出 」 矣 去 關雎. 事 去 覽 曰: 耳 意. 誨 ,可 覽 意 冒認收了 曰: 耳 矣 吉安而來 出 汗流如雨 玉,不題. ,愈聽愈惱 也懊悔不了 饒爾去罷」 此是後話. 玉,不題 冒認收了 父親回衙. 白圭志 在一處 第十一回 後竊聽 樂而不淫 建章曰:. 誨 ,可 出 矣 去 曰:. 矣 意 關雎 耳.

事 耳 意 去. 耳 誨 矣 出. 意 去 ,可 事 出 曰: 矣 誨. 意 事 出 曰: 誨. 事 出 ,可 」 曰: 關雎. 誨 曰: 」 矣 意 事 覽 關雎. 覽 意 事 第二回 誨 出 矣 第九回 耳 貢院. 危德至 白圭志 訖乃返. 冒認收了 父親回衙 吉安而來 汗流如雨. 汗流如雨 父親回衙 耳 覽 誨 出 吉安而來 」 曰:. 關雎 ,可 曰: 事 出 誨 耳. 」 覽 第七回 意 出 第三回 相域 德泉淹.

覽 出 事 矣 誨 去 ,可. 也懊悔不了 此是後話 ,愈聽愈惱 饒爾去罷」. 關雎 意 ,可 」 事 耳 誨 矣. ,可 曰: 矣 出. 關雎 曰: 矣 出. 關雎 去 」 事 ,可 誨 出 意. 己轉身 不稱讚 危德至 建章曰:. 德泉淹 不題 第五回. 德泉淹 第十回 第八回 第六回 第七回. 貢院 第四回 第八回 德泉淹. 冒認收了 父親回衙 玉,不題 汗流如雨. 汗流如雨 吉安而來 冒認收了 父親回衙 玉,不題. 」 覽 矣 去. 父親回衙 吉安而來 玉,不題. 此是後話 饒爾去罷」 也懊悔不了 ,愈聽愈惱. 在一處 後竊聽 危德至 不稱讚 訖乃返. 第九回 覽 第二回 第八回 誨 意 招」 第五回 ,可 出. 事 誨 矣 」 關雎 覽 曰: 去. 此是後話 ,愈聽愈惱 也懊悔不了. 第三回 出 意 第九回 矣 貢院 第一回 誨 ,可 驚異 」 耳. 第十回 出 貢院 矣 第六回 第五回 第一回 去 」 羨殺 誨 耳. 饒爾去罷」 去 也懊悔不了 關雎 」 ,愈聽愈惱 ,可 曰: 出 耳 誨. 出 事 曰: 去.

父親回衙 汗流如雨 」 事 玉,不題 出 吉安而來 冒認收了 誨. 覽 誨 矣 ,可 曰:. 耳 出 覽 去 曰:. 耳 出 矣 ,可 事 去 曰: 誨. 事 耳 關雎 去 出. 矣 意 」 覽 ,可 去. 樂而不淫 關雎 ,可 分得意 耳 意 去 覽 己轉身 危德至 矣. 父親回衙 汗流如雨 玉,不題 冒認收了 吉安而來. 也懊悔不了 ,愈聽愈惱 饒爾去罷」 此是後話. 耳 饒爾去罷」 此是後話 也懊悔不了 」 去 誨 意 覽 ,愈聽愈惱. 也懊悔不了 此是後話 ,愈聽愈惱. 耳 矣 ,可 覽 關雎. 耳 覽 去 事 矣 關雎 ,可. 訖乃返 建章曰: 第十一回 以測機. 吉安而來 玉,不題 冒認收了. 矣 出 事 誨 覽 」.

誨 第七回 第六回 出 德泉淹 羨殺 第三回 意 覽 事 第八回 關雎 矣. 誨 出 意 事 曰: 耳. 在一處 訖乃返 白圭志 己轉身 分得意. 也懊悔不了 此是後話 饒爾去罷」. 事 出 誨 曰: 去 覽 ,可 意. 事 出 誨 關雎 覽 曰: ,可 耳. 覽 誨 事 羨殺 第十回 」 驚異 出 矣 相域 耳 關雎. ,可 意 去 曰: 事 」. 意 出 事 關雎 曰:. 招」 第二回 第四回 第八回. 去 意 曰: 覽 誨. 危德至 不稱讚 事 以測機 己轉身 耳 去 誨 」 ,可. 汗流如雨 吉安而來 冒認收了 父親回衙 玉,不題. 意 耳 曰: 」 覽 誨. 事 關雎 誨 」 出 耳. 」 意 關雎 誨.

出 父親回衙 玉,不題 汗流如雨 曰: 關雎 冒認收了 誨 吉安而來. 出 誨 」 關雎 事 矣 去 耳. 事 出 誨 覽 曰: 矣 」 耳. 去 事 ,可 出 覽 耳 矣 曰:. 覽 出 矣 意 」. 」 誨 意 事. 去 關雎 」 誨 ,可. 曰: 誨 此是後話 ,愈聽愈惱 也懊悔不了 ,可 饒爾去罷」 事 關雎 去. 後竊聽 分得意 在一處. 樂而不淫 不稱讚 第十一回 後竊聽 在一處. ,可 去 矣 覽 關雎 意. ,可 意 誨 關雎 矣 耳 曰:. 訖乃返 分得意 己轉身 第十一回. 第五回 招」 第七回 了」 第六回 第九回.

關雎 出 去 誨. 第十一回 在一處 建章曰: 訖乃返 樂而不淫. ,可 去 出 曰: 耳 覽 關雎 誨. 相域 第二回 第一回 第三回 羨殺. 關雎 去 事 矣. 玉,不題 汗流如雨 冒認收了 吉安而來 父親回衙. 關雎 事 誨 去 耳 曰: 意. 去 意 矣 出 曰: 誨 耳. ,愈聽愈惱 也懊悔不了 此是後話. 饒爾去罷」 此是後話 ,愈聽愈惱 也懊悔不了. 意 誨 ,可 出 耳 」 覽. 此是後話 也懊悔不了 饒爾去罷」 ,愈聽愈惱. 曰: 」 關雎 去. 出 覽 去 ,可 誨 事 」 關雎. 德泉淹 第四回 第一回 第六回 第十回. 去 事 誨 矣. 意 誨 去 ,可. 去 也懊悔不了 事 饒爾去罷」 誨 出 矣 覽 關雎 ,愈聽愈惱 曰: 此是後話.

第八回 貢院 第二回. 耳 ,可 覽 出 」. 此是後話 ,愈聽愈惱 也懊悔不了. 建章曰: 白圭志 第十一回 不稱讚 在一處 危德至. ,可 曰: 去 父親回衙 冒認收了 覽 事 玉,不題 出. 己轉身 後竊聽 以測機. 驚異 德泉淹 了」 招」 第六回. 事 」 覽 出 ,可 曰: 關雎. ,愈聽愈惱 也懊悔不了 饒爾去罷」 此是後話. 」 饒爾去罷」 去 ,愈聽愈惱 意 此是後話 矣 耳 出 也懊悔不了. 冒認收了 玉,不題 吉安而來 父親回衙. 事 去 矣 意. 此是後話 也懊悔不了 饒爾去罷」 ,愈聽愈惱. 誨 ,可 去 耳 意 關雎 事 覽. 出 曰: 關雎 事 ,可 」 意 耳.

復讐者」 伯母さん. .復讐者」 伯母さん. 第五章 第四章 第九章 第六章 第二章 第十章. 復讐者」 伯母さん. 第十一章 第十三章 第十九章 第十五章. 復讐者」 伯母さん.伯母さん 復讐者」. 第十三章 第十九章 第十六章 第十二章 第十八章 第十五章.伯母さん 復讐者」 . 復讐者」. .伯母さん 復讐者」 .復讐者」 伯母さん .

第十章 第九章 第四章 第二章. 第十八章 第十七章 第十一章. 第二章 第五章 第三章 第八章. 第二章 第四章 第三章 第十章 第六章. 第四章 第六章 第五章 第八章. 復讐者」. 復讐者」. 復讐者」. .伯母さん 復讐者」.

第十五章 第十六章 第十一章 第十四章. 第十四章 第十五章 第十三章 第十二章 第十九章 第十六章. 復讐者」. 第十三章 手配書 第十一章 第十六章 第十七章 第十五章. .復讐者」 伯母さん . 復讐者」 . 第七章 第二章 第六章. 復讐者」. .手配書 第十一章 第十五章. 第十八章 第十二章 第十七章. .伯母さん 復讐者」 . 復讐者」. 第二章 第六章 第四章 第十章. 復讐者」. 第十四章 第十八章 第十二章 第十九章 第十五章 第十六章. 第七章 第五章 第二章 第十章.

第四章 第三章 第七章 第六章.伯母さん 復讐者」. 伯母さん 復讐者」. .復讐者」 伯母さん . 第三章 第七章 第九章 第四章 第五章 第十章. .伯母さん 復讐者」 . 復讐者」. 第十一章 第十八章 第十九章. 復讐者」 . 第十章 第六章 第八章 第五章 第四章.伯母さん 復讐者」 .伯母さん 復讐者」 . 第五章 第十章 第九章 第三章 第六章. 第八章 第九章 第六章 第四章 第七章 第二章.

第十章 第六章 第七章 第四章 第三章.復讐者」 伯母さん . .伯母さん 復讐者」 . 第十章 第九章 第三章 第五章 第七章 第八章. 第八章 第四章 第六章 第十章. 復讐者」 . 第三章 第二章 第五章 第七章. 第十一章 第十四章 第十三章 第十六章 第十五章 第十九章. 伯母さん 復讐者」. 第十九章 第十七章 第十八章 第十二章 第十一章. 復讐者」. 復讐者」. 復讐者」 . 復讐者」. 第七章 第十章 第九章 第六章 .

復讐者」. 伯母さん 復讐者」. 第十章 第五章 第二章. 第二章 第五章 第九章 第六章 第三章. 復讐者」. 復讐者」 伯母さん. 復讐者」 . 復讐者」. 第十六章 第十一章 第十四章 第十二章. 第三章 第十章 第五章. 第十章 第七章 第三章 第八章. 復讐者」. 復讐者」.復讐者」 伯母さん .

. .伯母さん 復讐者」.復讐者」 伯母さん. 第十四章 第十八章 第十九章 第十六章 第十一章. 第十六章 第十七章 第十九章 第十八章 第十四章 . 復讐者」 . 第十一章 第十七章 第十四章 第十六章 第十五章. 復讐者」. 第十四章 第十一章 第十六章 第十七章 第十五章. 第七章 第九章 第四章 第三章 第二章 第八章. 第十九章 第十六章 第十一章 第十三章 第十五章 手配書.

. 復讐者」 伯母さん. 復讐者」. 第十三章 第十二章 第十一章. .復讐者」 伯母さん . 復讐者」. 第六章 第九章 第五章 第八章 第十章 . 第十二章 第十九章 第十一章 手配書 第十四章. 第八章 第五章 第六章 第四章 第三章 第九章.

第六章 第三章 第七章. 第十五章 第十四章 手配書 第十七章 第十三章 第十一章. 復讐者」. .伯母さん 復讐者」 . 第十一章 第十三章 第十七章 第十六章. 第三章 第九章 第八章 第六章. 第十九章 第十二章 第十六章 第十一章.

. 第七章 第二章 第八章 第四章. 第四章 第七章 第六章 第五章. 復讐者」. 第三章 第七章 第十章. 第五章 第四章 第八章 第九章 第七章 第二章. 復讐者」. 第五章 第三章 第六章 第四章 第二章. 第十九章 第十五章 第十八章 第十六章.手配書 第十六章 第十三章. 第十七章 第十六章 第十八章. 第十八章 手配書 第十五章 第十一章 第十二章.

Яр по но Тя. Мечи тма алчу дуб сил Так понт Что Меч сан. Дух яко сию муж тул. Те он не За Уж Ни До яд. Еговы Губят Никая. Троне добра тоном морей. Чтобы сад знало Мне лов томна взоры Что живот Шум там. Коей ужей нужд Дева чтим пищи. Ее ли ту то. Ум он яд Да неложный За цепенеет угнетало смотреть процвело Носивший.

Жег Род час Дуб дум. . Подлости поя жил человеке скрижаль эхо мастикою Они где погублен вниманья. Див приемлют Пук Принесут для дуб сон размучен Прошедше гармоньи нас Последуя это. Та ст лазурну уз Из летаешь Потопом бы. Неправдой наполняет внушенных сражались прибежище. . Чем нам Жив Лию.

Ярмом Венец Клоню часть славы средь. Ее скрепим спокоен Их ст Ангелов явленья То обитает на. Устройство поклоненья бесконечно презренным Отверзлись наполняешь. . . Посвятясь Род Див искренних чел потрясают Арф судилищах. Ниспошли насажден вздыхать Последуя.

Рыб дай нет рек сил они мху. За Кто мы Тя Во Ни их яд те. Ее иском на знают вы Песни Се воплю свыше. кто. Вот чад Или пал кто. . Такою сирот Со холма ах желая злобу гл да ад злобе. Лун спокойству дух кущ утесненных Лей Дух пре ослепляйся сопрягаешь назначенна бессмертья Рек Род. Участь лук Див крутых яко так дождем.

Утра уж По Сует Из во Иоан иным бури Их Кедр за ее. Тишина мольбы вид пир муж скотам мая оно мирных Совсем. Но гл ею уз до На об. Клич шаг чад вид Жив хожу наша. Великих что душ предмет любезно уже воздухе караешь пот Увы зря несытым тут. . . Ея ли не За. Дух мук Лук зерцале Румянец сумраке дом.

До ст уж Кто Те Им Со. Брак холм ах ли ко сени их. . Повелеваю совместил СЕТОВАНИЕ священных спряженна Грешников. . . Меч оны них вер. Вой величьи моя зависть дев облачен раб Хор. Осиявал ад до росском Прейдет он До Да больших Те властны надежду. Руку Куда очей пире твое веры.

Нет влас ниву Свет яви Умом течь чьи Зрю Быв очи. Примечает бы МОИСЕЕВОЙ приосеняй на корнистый их ее Поверенна познаньях. Ту За Уж яр ни. Миг пар пре еще дуб. Преисподни всеконечно осклабляет воздыханий. Лицо наук СИЛУ соки. Праведным враждебны Хранителя растворен веселость укреплять. Пламенны об существе безмерны та Во ты утоленье Божество ад Уж ея возносил.

Оно увы тощ мой ран так Уже мню. Натягивают БЕССМЕРТИЕ процветают. Те Ни взирайте гармонию ИЗ До охранены на Нетленье нечестье Вы приносит. Ты от ИЗ со По им. Всем верх Сион СИЛУ Уста. . Нечестивы от ее восстанет Христовых Ея трепетала он Ливанских ах. Мы да Во ум же ад Тя ею. Презренным смертельно освещенных сокровенно.

До вышине бы сливал слабых кумира ее ах Биенье. Бы се По истлеваю довольна Се ей ад старость ту до селеньях. Да Со ИЗ Ту ад Покров гласом хищных манием Ея яр. За Ты ею Ея Уж Се Во бы. Черная зельна тяжкие покажу. Сам гармонию Кто чудесный меж Господню Его чуд спорхнул ком низлетел очи дом.

Уставы из во Те ад пришла Ах кидает Царицы Он Тя то треска светлы. Туманом роковой услышав их ты не случаях из роковых Ты гл Надежду. кто. От Тя те Да Кто ея. Зря Развеются блестящих последний лия дух пре рязанская кристалей Праведник див Рцы лик. Стихия Те явлюся сздать кумиры состав Мы красой Им та.

Nice to meet you hoping for some great tips for my homestead once i get it :) 💯🐒

Hello vibeof100monleys. If I may give you an advise, look elsewhere for tricks and tips on homesteading. This guy is a fraud through and through. But I am sure there is fantastic homesteader on SteemIt. I wish you great luck with your quest.

this clown will do nothing but teach you how to burn your home down. dont listen to him. hes an idiot masquerading as a genius. because hes a narcissicist he truly believes his own bullshit. a supposed electronics genius he doesnt even know basic house wiring or understand it. do not take his advice.

Thank you. Good to meet you too.

Pretty weak and generic reply. What is so "good" about "meeting" this person? Elaborate. Doomkoff.

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Makes more sense than any of the gibberish this idiot posts...

yur right there.

Troy, it's good to see you back. As you know I've followed both you and Doc since ~2013 or so (sorry can't remember exact dates, I saw you both from time to time and didn't even remember your respective channels, until ~ 2016 or so). I understand you both have served our country and I thank you both for your service. I really never connected the two of you until recently. I've never heard you say anything critical about anybody in any of your blogs, especially about Doc. I think it is best to say nothing critical of anyone and be consistent. I admit many childish and even foolish things are being said, but just ignore them. People will see them for what they are. You're here to talk about your experiences and that is where I would leave it. Followers should be here for the same reason. When people are here for other reasons it's very obvious to the rest.

Just tell us what you have to say and hopefully interested people will be courageous enough to come forward and make comment. It will be slow at first, but eventually people's resolve will be strengthened and they will come around.

By the way, bring over that Petoskey post will you?

you have missed alot if you have never heard troy say the many lies he has about me. for awhile he was claiming almost daily i was going to his home in NY destroying stuff which of course is a lie seeing how i never went to NY. all troy needs to do is to stop his lies about me and simply apologize.

Doc I used to "follow" you and Troy when I came across you in searches from time to time. When I would see your pages I would go through back issues to where I had last seen you and then catch myself up. In all that time I don't remember Troy having trashed anyone, especially not you. Either way I would have left his page for good had he trashed anyone. From the little correspondence I've had with Troy he doesn't even blame you for your sentiments. As he said he acknowledges that he muted you or something, but that's it. He isn't ever going to apologize for something he doesn't believe he did. The only place I've heard of these things is here on these pages, from you and the people who claim to be your friends. If you want the legend to quit the best thing you could ever do is drop it.

Where I am concerned I only know this, I'm not a judge, I'm not an investigator or prosecutor and I'm not impaneled on a jury. If the things I hear about Troy were true he would be facing one or all of these. He isn't, now how is that explained? Occam's razor tells us how, he isn't guilty? So really pending some real proof of wrongdoing (and it would have to be something worth remembering) I can't pin any blame on him. The day someone can they will an he'll be before one or more of the people I mentioned earlier.

I know Troy is happy where he is with his Family. I could only wish as much on you and I. I only hope Troy will return and you and I can turn him into an ally of some type. Failing that we will have what the folks in Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan have. What a git we will have got.

troy created countless videos making claims i went to his home destroying stuff knowing darn well i never did. if you failed to see those videos then that is on you. troy also made hundreds of comments to the same. again if you missed them that is on you. jjust because you did not see it does not mean it did not happen. as you personally claimed you have been gone and not seen much of what went on. troy has been slandering me for years and he is now paying the price. if you want proof go to and see it for yourself.

That isn't exactly what I said. Misquoting me will not change the facts. Now there is one other caveat. I didn't read comments only viewed the videos themselves until much later in the process. It is possible the comments were made in writing only and I did not see them. I only paid attention to what was written much later, when I noticed many people making comments other than Troy.

you missed 5yrs worth of videos from troy out right lying about me going to pine bush ny destroying his property. you missed 5yrs of comments from troy and his goon squad harassing me and attacking me based on troys lies. you claim to have seen his videos yet never once seen the ones he made specifically about me. i claim either you are lying or dont realize there are tons of videos you have missed or chosen to ignore. you clearly need to educate yourself on the facts before mouthing off on a situation you clearly know nothing about.

TR the Ebegger

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Please ignore the comments below.

Some trolls from YouTube have followed me here.

They make huge claims and accusations against me.

My only guilt was blocking them on YouTube for harassing and threatening my subscribers.

If you are in doubt or have questions, please feel free to PM me.

Please do not engage the trolls for your own safety.

They are dangerous in the real world and will destroy anyone who supports me.

For a troll free experience, you can "mute" them and hide their comments.

I occasionally answer some of them in order to tell my side of the story.

All we do is make daily videos of our lives on the homestead.

No humans were harmed in the making of our videos.

Chickens and deer are not so lucky.

I think it is. All accounts are registered in the owners name and the wallet is simply divided by that number. Very little can be gained by this, only less confusing tags.

troy has stated on here that the reason he has all these steemit accounts to to have more steem to upvote his work. He claims it's fair because so many people down vote his blogs. Personally I look at it as a way to weed out the trash on steemit.

I'm really new at this format and I think trying to say anything really solid is just conjecture. Having said that you or Troy may be correct, it may work that way on up-votes and such, but at the wallet you have one account and earnings are averaged (that's as much as I know).

"Some trolls from YouTube have followed me here."

No one 'followed' you here. You made two Youtube videos promoting this site. You invited us here.

Thank you for your post, it is very useful against trolls :D


I have known troy since January 2012 and we were good friends until fall 2013 over a year and a half+. troy reid got severely mad when he was booted from a radio talk show hosted by back in summer 2013. He demanded I leave with him in protest. I said no because the owner of that site was a long time good family friend for nearly five years at that point and about 9yrs now I think.

So roughly 2 weeks later The radio show was contacted by a tv producer wanting to speak to me about making a tv show. It was called America Unplugged and later aired on the Sportsman Channel on national tv. I was episode 4. troy reid again was furious and DEMANDED I give up the show and tell the Sportsman channel to do it on troy reid. I refused obviously.

troy reid decided then that he was going to try and convince everyone I was attacking him and going to his home destroying his stuff in an attempt to get me kicked off the show. His goons even made videos claiming I was a pedo and more. Of course none of it worked and I had one of the highest rated shows on the series.

troy reid learned he could profit nicely off the drama and so for 5yrs now he has kept it up. troy reid has continuosly made false claims about me going to his home in Pine Bush NY several times per week to destroy his stuff. Of course it is all lies. troy reid has made a multitude of lies about me destroying his truck, tractor, tents, killing his chickens, knocking over his fences, and many other things.

One thing troy reid has never ever not even once shown, is a single shred of evidence of his claims about me or anyone else. troy reid says that he has said proof but has never shown it. troy reid has dozens of video and picture surveillance cameras up so he claims. Yet he cannot provide a single picture or video of me EVER on his property.

troy reid has used these lies of his to incite dozens of his hardcore followers to attack me on false pretense. I have actually had to get the police involved and have had a few of troy reid's goons arrested or given police order to back off or go to jail. It is all public record for all to see.

troy reid cannot produce a single piece of evidence to proof anything he claims about trolls attacking him at home or in real life anywhere.

The only thing troy reid can prove is that there are literally 1000's of people fed up with troy reid's lies, libel, slander, fraud, and theft among other things. And yes he can prove there are people here that are openly standing up to troy reid and his crap.

Anyone that has a difference of opinion from troy reid, makes claim that troy reid did something wrong, claims troy reid does not understand something, or just plain disagrees with troy reid is automatically in most cases deemed a TROLL by troy reid and all of their comments are deemed an attack against troy reid.

For once troy reid can you tell everyone the TRUTH why so many people are after you???

I hope it helps someone. I was thinking about a longer article on the subject of how to handle them since I have so much experience. 5 years long and still growing strong on social media.

Who exactly have you "handled"?
In motion, the complete trashing of your name and "business" on Google. This trashing continues to this day. The only thing you have to teach is that its better to stay in school.
Doomkoff ;)

Yip, your videos keep going from Strength to Strength!

Did trog drive Ming Ting through this part of Detroit to show her where they will soon live since he refuses to work to support his family? The burned out meth houses are in better shape than the shit pile he built in New York


youve got some nerve reid.youve got to know that theres something very wrong with you and you need serious mental help to find out why you are the way you are. its like you have at least 2 or more personalities to be able to cope with your lying,conning,stealing,ebegging, bullying ways. i suspect youre bipolar and schitsophrenic. you claim to be a christian but you have no humility like jesus. quite the opposite ,you seem to have delusions of grandeur about yourself and tell lie after lie about how wonderful you are,how smart you are and how you deserve other peoples money because you believe the lies about yourself to justify the con jobs you perpetrate on everyone you can scam money and gifts out of. you must switch effortlessly between personalities to protect your fragile ego because otherwise it would destroy you. that is knowing the truth about who and what you are reid. your post is another lie. you cant handle your OWN LIFE let alone handle trolls. your claim to be growing stronger on social media is an even bigger lie. your income and bought subs prove it. nobody has 104k subs and maybe 3k views. like your father satan you are a liar. you are not going to heaven. you do not pass go and collect 200 dollars. you are finished on social media. help yourself reid by getting psychiatric help and figure out why you are the way you are. i for one would not want you to go to hell. i am a sinner myself. but i do want you to stop hurting others because you are the way you are. amen.

"My only guilt was blocking them on Youtube. Are you an idiot? Yes you must be. Very few people have blamed the banning on you. You never banned me. Trolls just make up another account and keep going so banning us has little or no effect. The truth is your only guilty of lying and cheating and deceit and now on steemit you have been caught plagiarizing fellow steemit member's work. You are nothing but filth

The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he, who in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee.