My Coding Journey - Mistakes & Successes

in #blog8 years ago

I have been learning how to code, on and off, for quite a long time.
I want to outline what I did that worked for me, and what I did that was a complete waste of time.

What I Did Wrong:

Oh man... So many things...

Mistake 1: I half-assed big languages.

I started out my journey by learning Java. I figured if I study for a bit, and make some game, it would be fun. This was a few years ago. What ended up happening? I spent countless hours learning all the basic syntax just to realize I can't really build a useful application on my own. A language like C++ or Java, only becomes useful is you are an expert, or you are working in a big team. The problem is, it is hard to become an expert when you do not get to achieve any meaningful short term rewards. At the end of the day, I did not end up making any games my own, except ones I made following tutorials.

Mistake 2: Relying solely on YouTube.

YouTube is an amazing resource. That being said, when it comes to doing any significant work in programming, you have to do a lot of reading. I spent COUNTLESS hours following YouTube tutorials, and I feel as though that was not the best use of my time at all.

What I Did Right:

There are some!

Success 1: I started small.

After numerous failed attempts at my big ambitions, I started again with smaller goals. A simple input-output app. Some calculations, etc. This led to a bunch of micro-successes that boosted my confidence and inspired me to continue learning.

Success 2: Applied it at work!

I saw things that could be automated and started applying coding at work. I managed to make a few apps that saved a BUNCH of time and increased accuracy a quadrillion-fold. This felt great, and again, inspired me to keep at it.


Some people have extreme talent. If you are like me, and don't have this, it is important to set goals that give you short-bursts of success to keep you going. It may feel like you aren't doing much, but it will pay off. As of now, I still consider myself a higher level noob at best, but I can clearly see a trajectory of how I am going to get better. Having that clear vision makes it much easier to put in the effort to learn.


Keep it up man! Practice makes perfect :)

Thanks buddy. It's a tough road, but when I see some small gains it really motivates me to keep going.

I have been writing code since 1981, even now I am learning new techniques that improve how I work. It really is a life long journey if you have the mind for it and remain open to new ideas.

Sample many languages, you will find those that work best for you, also use the right language for the task.

Some languages to learn

  • ML (One of it's flavors such as ML, OCAML, F# or even Elm for web)
  • C Style (C# is an interesting take on this style language)
  • Javascript (Much maligned, has an interesting core covered but some ugly bits as well)

The more you learn the better, each has different tools that allow you to think in different ways.

Almost forgot, never be afraid to throw away code that has got out of hand and rewrite it :)