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RE: My Coding Journey - Mistakes & Successes

in #blog8 years ago (edited)

I have been writing code since 1981, even now I am learning new techniques that improve how I work. It really is a life long journey if you have the mind for it and remain open to new ideas.

Sample many languages, you will find those that work best for you, also use the right language for the task.

Some languages to learn

  • ML (One of it's flavors such as ML, OCAML, F# or even Elm for web)
  • C Style (C# is an interesting take on this style language)
  • Javascript (Much maligned, has an interesting core covered but some ugly bits as well)

The more you learn the better, each has different tools that allow you to think in different ways.

Almost forgot, never be afraid to throw away code that has got out of hand and rewrite it :)