I've never worked retail, but I've been in the restaurant business.
A guy accused me of trying to kill his wife because there were tomatoes on her sandwich. I never knew that so many people were "allergic" to onions or tomatoes.
Not liking something and having a real allergy are not even close to being the same thing.
I don't have an allergy to tomatoes per se but it really does mess me up. I can eat it in sauces or soups but that's because the other ingredients counter the tomato but if the whatever is really tomato based then I can't eat it.
It's actually more common than you think and can affect people in different ways.
Just so long as you don't do what some dickhead of a cafe owner said to me when I asked for no tomato. He said they were too busy to NOT add tomato so he told me to just put it to one side.
Given that cooked tomato never stays to one side I told him no. I never got my way and I never went back.
A customer knows his body more than some twat behind a counter.
With that I'm not saying all cafe managers are twats but this one was king twat on this day.
Point taken. Thanks. 👍
Sometimes that stems from bad experiences.
I have a friend who doesn't like some in a pita bread and she have said that a lot, but not every place took it out and didn't place it in, they didn't care, so now she just says she is allergic to avoid it x)
Never heard of death by tomatoes before but I suppose you can be allergic to anything.
The whole gluten free thing was a great example with everybody saying they were allergic but the majority of them just joining the no gluten fad. Of your a celiac fair enough but most people are not allergic but just afraid of everthing.
I'm not that old but in school we didn't have one person with allergies to food and yet now everybody is being so careful with everything and about 50 different requirements for the students. I honestly don't believe even half of them are allergic to what they say they are.