
Thanks for the shoutout bro! 100,000 Steem power, just thinking about that, it's hard to get your head around when you think of the future potential. Have you watched any videos by @jerrybanfield? He's one of the biggest Steem bloggers and a witness. He's got a lot of great videos talking about the massive potential of Steem, and giving tips on how to use the platform. I think we could see $100 Steem one day.

Hi Adamantine! :)

I know this guy and I have tried to watch his videos but I don't like them, I am gonna start reading his blog instead!

It took me a while to get the guy, but man whatever you want to say about him you can't deny he's a real Steem fanatic! I He is the ultimate shill, I kind of see him like a wild eyed Steem cult leader... 😂


Also, his video on 10 Reasons for $10 Steem price is a must watch for any crypto investor...

Trouble sleeping? I also have this. In fact, as I write this my boyfriend is sound asleep and I know I won't be sleeping for hours. If you haven't already do a bit of research about sleep hygiene. What works for me is making sure all lights are off and windows are covered so headlights won't bother me. Also setting a routine helps train your body as to when it is time to sleep. It's a good idea to try to go to sleep and wake up at a similar time each day. Making sure you have had a good roductive day especially with exercise helps me sleep better. I also use lavender and frankincense essential oils. Sometimes I take a not too hot shower to try to help my muscles relax. I also try to do a structured meditation where I close my eyes and try to visualize my body turning into a glowing liquid which is melting, starting with my feet and proceeding all the way to the top of my head. Sometimes with this visualization I flex the muscles before imagining them melting to use the let down from flexing the muscles to lock in a relaxed state. I'm sure you will find more tips online, I wish you good luck with getting sleep

Oh wow, you made such an effort to give me all those tips, that is very sweet of you!

I have this problem for such a long time & I have so much experience with it that I already tried everything and even published a post about it some days ago!

I also always had trouble with high blood pressure & I just love to sleep (this is one of the reasons I became self-employed hahaha, waking up to work for some person I don't care about ain't nuffin for me)! So I guess I really need to hire someone someday to kick my ass outta bed, I probably will kick his ass in return, sleep is just holy for me but I also know that my social life suffers when I don't wake up early!

I sometimes miss gym sessions too as my gym is not open 24/7.

I really have no clue how I can fix this, fact is I have no reason to wake up in time. I love my sleep, I can work when I want and I can also workout at home and I only meet the brothers of my gang twice per month.

I feel guilty now, as a leader I have to embrace discomfort and lead by example. Guess I have to pull an allnighter or gradually decrease the hours I am awake.

Anyway. this has to change starting today.

Thank you so much. I again learnt new thing from your post.

I am glad that it helped you! :)

I have a feeling that choosing "Power up" before publishing your post results in less views as I think that people think that this means that this post is promoted. What do you guys think?

It's the opposite. If you have the powered up icon it shows that you are a firm believer in Steemit and you aren't taking the quick monetary reward. Instead, you are trading that to increase your long-term Steem power and influence.

Now get some sleep! You need to recharge to hustle!

Learned something new again, thank you so much!

I will sleep after I wrote a couple of comments. Thank you for the reminder, it actually means a lot to me even tho it is annoying! Sometimes I wish I had a Drill Sargeant here who wakes me up at the same time every morning so that I can sleep in time at the evening!