Oh wow, you made such an effort to give me all those tips, that is very sweet of you!
I have this problem for such a long time & I have so much experience with it that I already tried everything and even published a post about it some days ago!
I also always had trouble with high blood pressure & I just love to sleep (this is one of the reasons I became self-employed hahaha, waking up to work for some person I don't care about ain't nuffin for me)! So I guess I really need to hire someone someday to kick my ass outta bed, I probably will kick his ass in return, sleep is just holy for me but I also know that my social life suffers when I don't wake up early!
I sometimes miss gym sessions too as my gym is not open 24/7.
I really have no clue how I can fix this, fact is I have no reason to wake up in time. I love my sleep, I can work when I want and I can also workout at home and I only meet the brothers of my gang twice per month.
I feel guilty now, as a leader I have to embrace discomfort and lead by example. Guess I have to pull an allnighter or gradually decrease the hours I am awake.
Anyway. this has to change starting today.