Hey Jerry, loved the video man. You are always so positive energetic its enlightening. What I wanted to write to you about is this constant abuse of whales or bot holders silencing peoples speach. I do believe their should be an audited or governed type of way to get rid of the plagarism I see or just plain articles with no good content however, it should not be in the form of these whales who just own so much steem that have the final say in what goes on. I think speech should be free here by everyone, good content articles with no way to just downvote them off the map. I see it happening daily with people some whale doesn't like(im not going to say names because that would just bring unwanted attention). Everyone should have their own opinion, if someone doesn't like it move on, these whales shouldn't have that sort of sway.Anyways I was wondering if I wrote an article on this topic would you help me draw attention to it? Much appreciated if you did read this!