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RE: The judgment of utopian mods

in #blog7 years ago

You are right about subjective moderation. There is no such standart.
My last utopian post was good in my opinion but mod said your design well but doesn't work on small versions if you can edit it to thicker I can aprove. I didn't want it to be thick because My design works with thin lines for my opinion. I said you can hide it I won't change I want to see my design in my profile how it is now. There is no problem with that. I can handle rejection.
But now I see some contributions which are not working in small versions and they are approved. This siguation is realy make me angry and I don't want to contribute anymore.
Maybe there could be a voting panel for mods for contributions and with inside voting they can decide what to be approved or not. with this moderation we have It is changing by person to person.
Moderation improving us with new rules by the way I like that part 😇


waw i just typed for someone if I didnt know if this as a stand-alone case but seems others feel the same. I am not sure why this get no reaction, I hope they are discussing it inter and apply some solutions.

Good point

Agreed. The personal opinions should not count. I could live with a democratic voting system.