When I was very young: "Gulliver's Travels" due the horrific view of imortality...
And, more recently, "The Gate to Women's Country" (by Sheri S. Tepper) due her way of cleansing from humanity men's stupid traits...
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ahhhh ! I never heard of this one but will check it out! Sounds like my kind of book :)
Sheri S. Tepper is one of my favorite authors... Check it out also the book "After Long Silence"... its concept of "Thruth" is appaling...
I have some in ebook format if you want.
Thanks so much for your suggestion! I will look it up and so happy that i got more eating material now:) Nice to meet you.
The two books Northshore and Southshore, the book Grass and the book Raising the Stones shall not be missed as well... :)
Oh... and Family Tree!
And I will stop here otherwise I will list ALL her books...
But I would start by those...
Gullivers travels 💯