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RE: 3 Reasons I Just Deleted Chrome And Switched To Brave Browser

in #brave7 years ago

The amount of data is just dumb I think a large portion of it just gets lots in no mans land. however I am with you, I can't remember the last time I said dang i'm sure glad I got that ad that come up so I could remember to buy something etc lol

I've used adblocker on chrome for a while but chrome use to be totally awesome compared to most. It seems like it is time to change it up again and this looks like a solid choice.


Brave will use machine learning on your local computer to give you useful ads but still keep your info secret. It's a win for every party as customers are more likely to view the ads when using Brave.

Brave browser really seem great considering the number of positive responses I have seen.
Would check it

I've put it off for too long, thanks for the reminder @stellabelle