3 Reasons I Just Deleted Chrome And Switched To Brave Browser

in #brave7 years ago


I just downloaded the Brave browser on my computer and phone, and then promptly deleted the Chrome app. Here’s the official Brave browser website: https://www.brave.com/

Here are the 3 main reasons why I decided to use the Brave browser starting today:
(and no, this is not an endorsement or advertisement. Also, I don’t own any BAT Tokens, so I am not pimping this for my personal gain.)

I hate being tracked and targeted with ads online.

Like most people, I’m no longer interested in my every move being tracked online. Before I installed the Brave Browser today, I had no clue how much of my data was being tracked. I never saw a tool that displayed this kind of information.


Today, I saw it for the first time.

In a matter of 30 minutes, 194 trackers and 80 ads were blocked. Jeez! I had no idea that these numbers would be so huge in such a short amount of time. After doing some more research about the Brave Browser I learned that Brendan Eich, the inventor of Javascript (yeah, the guy who invented the Javascript programming language) is behind this software development. And it’s open source, of course too. Well, that’s about all the convincing I needed to feel safe downloading Brave. I’m really enjoying seeing the data displayed telling me how many ads and trackers have been blocked while I surf the net.

It’s so gratifying!

I never realized just what the hell was going on with the tracking of our every online move. I knew it was bad, but seeing these numbers makes me realize just how bad it actually is.

I’m security conscious.

Anyone involved in cryptocurrency has to be more security conscious just to avoid getting hacked. The Brave Browser has a SHIELDS section in the preferences and the default setting is to block phishing and malware. You can even block scripts and get fingerprinting protection, but these settings are not recommended. The Brave Browser’s default setting is to block ads and tracking. Here’s a look at how I configured my preferences today:


I’m interested in being rewarded with BAT tokens for my attention in the future.

It looks like in the future, users will get paid in BAT token for their attention. A quick look in the Support section of the Brave website led me to the Basic Attention Token roadmap. As of right now, YouTube creators can be paid with BAT tokens that are given by fans. There’s no automated process as the system relies on donations. But in the future, according to their roadmap, it appears that users will be able to turn on the Brave Ads and receive BAT tokens for their attention. You can read more about that here in their roadmap excerpt from BAT

BAT Mercury (summer 2017)

•   BAT wallet integrated into Brave
•   Convert Brave Payments from bitcoin to BAT
•   Extend Brave’s secret-key sync to include the Brave ledger and wallet
•   Compile demand-side dashboard data into BAT ad and offer catalog that is downloaded and updated on-device; scraped and mock ads/offers with micro-BAT subsidized revenue

The one problem I’m having: Pixabay photos don’t show up for download.

After using the Brave Browser for a few hours, the one issue I’m having is that certain things don’t show up. For example, on Coinmarketcap, the charts don’t display and on Pixabay, the photos don’t show up when I click on them. I think this might have something to do with the Flash settings, as I read something about having to configure them manually. If you use the Brave browser, have you been able to download images from Pixabay?

Google has been kind of pissing me off recently because they don’t like my VPN, and sometimes Google blocks me completely from surfing online. I have been looking for a good alternative and I think using Brave in combination with duckduckgo is pretty much the best thing I’ve found so far. I’m also looking forward to the end of our current advertising models, as I find them completely ridiculous and worthless.

Here’s a video that reviews Brave:



The amount of data is just dumb I think a large portion of it just gets lots in no mans land. however I am with you, I can't remember the last time I said dang i'm sure glad I got that ad that come up so I could remember to buy something etc lol

I've used adblocker on chrome for a while but chrome use to be totally awesome compared to most. It seems like it is time to change it up again and this looks like a solid choice.

Brave will use machine learning on your local computer to give you useful ads but still keep your info secret. It's a win for every party as customers are more likely to view the ads when using Brave.

Brave browser really seem great considering the number of positive responses I have seen.
Would check it

I've put it off for too long, thanks for the reminder @stellabelle

194 trackers? Hahahaha😂
Am not sure Osama Bin Laden had up to that

But seriously, if you believe in Brave you should buy some BAT too. It's the future! Or something like it is - however I think they have a huge headstart, a great team and good technology. Plus recently they have added support for supporting YouTube channel authors so you can donate BAT to them based on your patronage of their content, either on a flat monthly basis, or by amount of their content watched (which to me is superior to patreon).

I'm going to be cancelling all my Patreon donations and contacting the channels I support to get behind Brave.

Personally I think the biggest threat to Brave will be Google (and maybe Facebook - but they have a much more walled garden of largely technically unsophisticated users to protect).

@davidpakman take note - you made it to Steemit, here's another way to cover all the bases for those who want alternative ways to support you. However I think Brave has a much smaller user base so far - expect that to change in the next year as Brave folks leash a huge pile of the ICO haul to build their market. So Brave won't be nearly as lucrative in terms of revenue, but you'll be way ahead of the curve and simply using a new browser to get your content may be a lot easier (and life changing) for your users.

Looks like Brave Browser is superb.. Definitely I am going to try Brave Browser... Chrome browser ads make me annoying.. informative article!

Brendan Eich, the inventor of Javascript (yeah, the guy who invented the Javascript programming language) is behind this software development.

He also is the founder of Mozilla Firefox, probably the most used browser worldwide before chrome came along.

So for those that are searching good projects with actual experience behind them, this is the one of the best probably.

I realized a couple of weeks ago that 1. Interactive media is all about tracking and 2, Non-interactive media such as TV, movies, videos, "news"etc is about propaganda.

I remember when Mozilla was the go-to open source for less intrusive browsing. No more. How long before the Brave Browser falls under the surveillance state? Who knows? For now, it looks like the best alternative.

Cyberspace really is the new "Wild West" and we need to keep practicing our self defense disciplines. I cherish privacy in my activities and I thank you @Stellabelle for this info.

Firefox was totally independent, but then Google invited them to take part in a programmers camp and not much later we learnt that the company was heavily fined by the IRS for not disclosing receipt of a grant from Google of about $32 million (if I recall correctly). To me, though I still use Firefox, it is from then they took the downhill roll.

There is another browser I have tested and like. It is called Pirate. The name is not because it is for going to pirate sites.

Somebody wrote a book (I think I still have it) about this young person who is using a browser called Pirate, which commpletely protects him from any spying on him.

A gaggle of coder-hackers got together to create Pirate, as close to its description in the book.

It is a useful browser to have, even if you do not use it every day (sorry, but I like Major Geeks):


I am on the way to the site now. I will be interested in hearing about a way to download the Pixabay photos. Having another option to get rid of/block pesky ads is right up my alley. Thanks, @stellabelle!

Might be a good idea to keep an alternative browser on your computer that you can launch to do whatever Brave won't do until all the bugs are worked out. :)

Good idea. Thanks.

You are absolutely right, I already use it. Very informative post! Thanks for share!

Switching right now thanks Stellabelle

Have to try this one @stellabelle, thank you very much for the info.

no problem. i have been meaning to take a deep dive into it, and finally did so. I didn't realize that the guy who invented Javascript is behind Brave...

I am taking your advice now. thanks!

I have used Brave before but found that it was really glitchy. Sounds like they worked a lot of the kinks out though so I'll give it another try!

yay you go!!! I switched over slowly first Desktop then mobile, but Im all Brave now!!!! Spread the word be BRAVE!!!

Great article

I have ad blocker on chrome and yes website have all those cookies .. it is crazy. There are some others browsers to keep anonymous.
Hope you found your fix. Thanks for the post it is something to consider for sure. 🙏

I looked at Brave, but was getting the same results on a LINUX OS using Firefox with Adblock. With those, you click a small icon to see the evil things that tried to occupy your screen space. Way, way too many of them!

but with Brave we have an opportunity to earn just by having some ads show up.....i think it's an interesting idea for sure.

I know it depends on the person, but is the payout really worth the distraction? If it's there, most brains will think, "Oh, look! An Ad!"

i am completely immune to ads, so i wouldn't be bothered, i don't think.

Sounds interesting...But I believe showing up ads might make Brave metamorphose into chrome in the later stage.
Don't you think so?

People's privacy should be respected and protected too.
I honestly agree with you on the need to be security conscious.
It is common seeing folks invest and make big bucks on cryptocurrency and losing same in no distant time.
Awesome Post Ma'am

Hey @stellabelle, Anything open-source is definitely a welcome development for me too dear.

I also downloaded Brave Browser today though I haven't used it much to know about the side-effects. I have been hearing so much about a browser that blocks ads.

Nice getting a validation from you that it actually does that. Will be looking out for answers in the comment section too.



I actually use multiple browsers for varying reasons, so effectively a different browser for different projects. I had heard of brave and remember I wanted to get it but my OS was too old. Now I have a new computer with a new OS and will revisit Brave. Thanks for the reminder!

Wow! @stellabelle, you have really made me fall in love with brave browser, especially for the security aspect of it. Thanks

Saving this to switch over later, thanks for the suggestion!

Thanks for this! I've started to use brave a while ago but I had forgotten why ;) Besides the fact that some Steemit things didn't work in safari anymore. I have to Steemit accounts and I use two browsers so I can stay logged in in both of them. So that's chrome and brave now.
I'm getting tired of chrome - and actually that whole Google suite - for the same reasons you mention though.

Will reread later and update my settings...

I downloaded Brave for my home computer a few weeks ago. I have to say that I really like it for all the reasons you mentioned. I really can't wait for Presearch to launch so I can 86 Google as well!

Wow! Looking to switch now too. What do you do for VPN? Since all the FCC BS the other day I've started researching but my head is spinning haha. Thanks for the info!!

Thanks for sharing Stella! I've read about brave recently, haven't attempted downloading it yet though.
I'm sure there could be a lot of bugs, it's a new product, such as the pixabay one you mentioned. Hopefully no security holes though, browsers are a terrible place for such security flaws.
Hopefully i'll put it on my list for soon-to-be-checked :)

i saw this last month and downloaded but gave up after trying to install a few times without success. maybe it's time to download again

I love using Google Chrome because it is Google affiliate and responds to quick search

I'm using brave as well, however chrome feels better, faster and I use chrome primarely for developing purposes and brave when I need more security.

Looks interesting, will download it. Sucks I have to use Chrome because of the Trezor and Ledger extensions.

Hi @stellabelle ... I´ve heard about this but was not sure whether I want to use this browser at all. I used to have Mozilla but my ipad was just slow so I was not happy with it either.. Now I bought a new laptop and I am using Chrome atm... But, Im also pissed-off with Chrome because there are always breakdowns lately. So my question is whether you can save passwords of the different sites you are in in the Brave Browser? ... I have some passwords saved in Chrome so that I don´t need to search for the many passwords I´ve been using for different sites. It sounds good the way you have related your experience with the Brave Browser and the passwords is my only concern as I used different ones. Please let me know your experience on this.. many thanks in advance.

Brother, I am very poor, please Upvote me day, please continue reading my reading from here please https://steemit.com/@mdshipu678

not all trackers track you

Add containing sites is really irritate me

I tinkered with Brave for the last few weeks, just starting it once in a while. Finally today I decided to just try and use it exclusively for the day to see if it was as good as it sounded. IT WAS BETTER!

Really. I would highly recommend this browser to anyone for ANY reason. It does protect you against a lot of tracking and does it elegantly, BUT... even if you don't care about such things it is still a great experience, slick, clean, and FAST.

3 thumbs up!