Steem is up again, it's at 3.1$ as of now.
Seriously the markets took a big hit with the Upbit raid.
And here I was thinking about lambos again.
Gotta a wait a bit longer :p
Steem is up again, it's at 3.1$ as of now.
Seriously the markets took a big hit with the Upbit raid.
And here I was thinking about lambos again.
Gotta a wait a bit longer :p
When MarketWatch starts covering these things, you know crypto has gone primetime. Yes, and coming back to your point, that could well have sparked the better part of the selling. If price continues to recover quickly, I'll venture a guess that most pundints will permanently tie the two together.
More and more people are understanding the value of crypto and blockchain.
Upbit is the fourth largest cryptocurrency exchange so it's bound to have an effect.
If only people could remain calm and stay away from the FUD.
But there are always ups and downs, and it'll bounce back soon