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RE: I Met a Buddhist Monk When I Was 22: Part 2

in #buddhism8 years ago

Thank you for sharing your experience. I was already thinking when reading part one and the pointing to the sexual questions: where does this lead?!....
I have some buddhists experiences and I never heard anything about orgies in temples. May there be or not. It is even equal - because it is not my karma. But I tought the doctrine is even contrary - that they avoid the sexual drive just like not eating meat. But actually I dont know it very sure for buddhists pracitcing.
With hindu brahmani it is like described (no sex without the intentions of conceiving a child, no eating meat/fish/eggs, no gambling and further more). So if one comes with sexual ambitions - you know, he is just another human regligious who is preaching water and drinking wine....@stellabelle

Looking forward to read more about your travel experiences :)


ha ha! Yeah, preaching water, drinking wine.