
The people on Facebook need us!

I agree!! I find myself looking at FB less now, the only reason I go there now is for work (I work for a marketing agency).

At the times that I didnt still discover Steem yet,I spend too much time in facebook,but now that I'm on Steem ,I find here more interesting..

Hehe, isn't it nice to get paid for spending your time on social media for a change? ;)

@valth ..yes,it's really amazing that I can earn at social media..I've already followed you,hope you will follow me too so that I can have my great time here😊..

Giving an explanation is always better then talking numbers in my opinion, especially now with what happened with Bitconnect. Coming to a realization yourself about the money making potential of Steemit will have a much greater impact then telling them it might go from $5-$100.
When every single alt coin rep is saying the same thing, repeating it has a negative instead positive impact you are looking for. We are talking facebook here.
Gotta spin it. :D

Just my 0.01 SBD :D

True but there are people there who doesn't know that something better is out there where they can actually contribute , share and make money while doing it. :-)

Yeah, we need to let people know that there are good alternatives to Facebook and other social medias!

The structure of Steemit itself is what drives the cultural development here. "Facebook people" will behave differently in different environments like anyone else.

That's a very interesting way to look at it, and I hope you are right. I don't think traditional "Facebook behavior" will really be valuable here anyway, so people might have to change their behavior if they want to earn money.

Enabling a free market dynamic in social media is an interesting experiment, to say the least. The more we promote valued connectivity the more readily we evolve, IMHO.

Yeah, absolutely! I think we are seeing both the best and the worst of humans in this experiment :P

I think we should try to establish bridges to the facebook world. I have around 1200 followers on facebook. Right now it is not very attractive to follow me on steemit. And it is not easy to understand what steemit is all about. But if they read the good quality posts and get involved they will join. And more important : They start to produce own content and get more SP.

Wow, that's not a very nice thing to say. People who use Facebook are not lesser than anyone else. I believe that Steem should be open to everyone, even if they have spent a lot of time on Facebook in the past.

Can Facebook People become Steemit People?

Sure, Facebook people are not necessarily bad or stupid people; they are just people who prefer to use what they know instead of trying something new. If we help then with the change, then of course they can become Steemit people :)

agreed, we help people transition to better alternatives than Facebook, such as Steemit, Minds, Gab, and whatever happened to

I have no idea; I have never heard of before. But DTube is working pretty nice as an alternative to YouTube ;)