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RE: The Art Of Giving Feedback

in #business9 years ago (edited)

Sometimes feedback isn't always wanted and if you give it without warning, it can be taken badly.

If you're unsure, ask if the person you're talking to would like some feedback. This helps prevent misunderstanding and opens the receiver to hearing what might otherwise be seen as negative criticism.


Most of the time it's individual specific, true. I think more eccentric personalities tend to not want feedback. These types of people are usually a gem to have, but very hard to get to work with others.

Exactly. A lot of time ends up being spent fighting to get your point across and removing the notion it's a personal attack, which feedback isn't.

Sadly sometimes you're just unable "to remove the notion it's a personal attack"... I have personal experience when a person says to my face one thing and I'am left in believe that everything is fine, but then I discover that actually she've understood me all wrong, and for two years no improvement to the situation, she just wouldn't talk to me honestly. So I left all attempts of feedback and keep silence and distance, unfortunately this brings unpleasant consequences for a child she is raising. :(