Your posts are weirdly motivational. I say weirdly because they don't have the usual 'your creative genius is within you' message. The message I'm getting is: cut the crap and write. Which is what I desperately need to do. Except for some reason I'm writing this comment instead of working on my cringy short story for a steemit writing contest due to end like NOW.
Guess I broke rule number 13.
Also, just to be annoying, on your first point I believe the word you're looking for is "authenticity". I know that's literally a synonym for genuineness but it just sounds better :P
Okay off to write my story now.
Yes, authenticity...I don't know why I couldn't think of that word.
Yep. Grant Cardone is the one who opened my eyes. Highly recommend you check out his two most famous books, the 10x rule and Be Obsessed Or Be Average. Best motivational/business books ever.