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RE: #SharkSchool Lesson 4 - 4500 Words That You Probably Are Just Going To Skim So You Can Leave A Retarded Comment

in #business7 years ago (edited)

I don’t agree with what you say on commenting. Personally I think it is useful. Not for the financial rewards, but for the interaction itself.

Very often a comment on a post leads to an interesting discussion or just some fun social interaction with several other people. Top comment or no top comment. I think it depends on the network you’ve built for yourself...

Not a lot of new stuff in this one... except for the fact that you emphasize proof-reading, which I think is important.

Maybe if you wouldn’t be so focused on writing an awefully long article, getting ‘distracted’ all the time, you could write a shorter one in which you would actually make some good points.

It’s a shame you have built yourself an image you have to live up to. I think the ‘normal’ you could be a good tutor...


I don’t agree with what you say on commenting. Personally I think it is useful. Not for the financial rewards, but for the interaction itself.

Very often a comment on a post leads to an interesting discussion or just some fun social interaction with several other people. Top comment or no top comment. I think it depends on the network you’ve built for yourself...

I actually agree and should change that section. I think that if you're going to comment, you should have something interesting for the reader when they (ideally) click on your profile.

Maybe if you wouldn’t be so focused on writing an awefully long article, getting ‘distracted’ all the time, you could write a shorter one in which you would actually make some good points.

I prefer to write long articles. They tend to hold up better over time and are more enjoyable for me to write. I leave the "distraction" bits in there as sometimes they are relevant. Sometimes not.

Honestly, I could make the articles 200 words if I wanted to. I could have split this up into 10 different articles. But that's not what I'm going for. If it's too hard for some people to digest, well then I guess they'll just have to get their information from other sources.

It’s a shame you have built yourself an image you have to live up to. I think the ‘normal’ you could be a good tutor...

As we say where I'm from, "you can't put the shit back in the horse."

Some people agree with my points and enjoy my writing style. The rest of them are welcome to find other ways to spend their time.

See ? Just what I was saying in a previous comment above: you are secretly despising the vast majority of your readers, trying to select the best by writing posts that only the best readers can stand; and you are secretly hating yourself for being such a whore.

Lol brother it’s no secret. Pretty sure your country doesn’t have a law where individuals are forced to read my posts. If you like them, read them. If not, like I said you’re welcome to spend your time elsewhere. Some people enjoy the way I write and appreciate the work I put into them. I know that not everyone has the time or inclination to read everything I write when a new article comes out, just like I don’t watch a new episode of the walking dead as soon as it comes out. Sometimes I’ll binge watch ten of them in an afternoon when I’m in the mood.

That mainly applies to the people leaving 'nic post dear follow 4 fllow' I guess, cuz my comments are top notch and @yallapapi you better appreciate my comments, a'ight?

You could Subscribe to my blog 🤘🏼♨️

I could. But would I?