Thanks a lot for using and promoting our app ! I'm glad you like it and we're happy to have you on board !
If you have any ideas, suggestions, please tell us ! We also have a DiscordHi @adonisabril !
!tipuvote 2
Thanks a lot for using and promoting our app ! I'm glad you like it and we're happy to have you on board !
If you have any ideas, suggestions, please tell us ! We also have a DiscordHi @adonisabril !
!tipuvote 2
I like what you guys have done! I don't know how much of the Instagram API is open or how easy it is to work with (I haven't looked) but a two-way integration where likes and comments come to Steem would be insane :)
Thanks ! For now I haven't looked much at "going the other way". I think it's possible as Instagram has an API that allows that kind of thing (from Steem to Instagram). For Share2Steem (and the way Instagram -> Steem) I don't use it, as the limit rates aren't good enough for what we do.
Importing likes and comments could be possible but only for people who have a Steem account and linked with Share2Steem (or else it would be illegal I think as we don't have their "permission" to broadcast their publications / likes somewhere else).