I so totally agree with this. I have some folks in my family who are like that; thankfully none of them live around me, though. For then I think I'd have flew the coop a long freaking time ago. The puking and just leaving it there ... that one bothers me most of all, actually. How on earth did she go and do that, and what gives her the right? That's my even bigger question. And God only knows what provoked the puking. You probably don't even want to know.
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she said she thinks she had food poisoning, I think she had been drinking and was hung over.
Still. Gives no excuse for that kind of behavior. I don't care who you are! If you puke, ya clean it. End of story. Unless you're somebody like me and asking for a hand due to blindness and inability to see where it went. Other than that ... Just eek. No.