Just Because I Love You, Doesn't Mean I Always Like You!

in #busy7 years ago

A Mystery

What I thought was going to be a great day turned into something entirely different. I'd actually had a good nights sleep, one of few last week, because even with the air conditioner turned to the "arctic setting" it was still hot and uncomfortable to sleep. Anyway, I got out of bed and made my way to the bathroom. I was still a little dopey eyed as I stood there, and suddenly a smell hit me, that I knew I shouldn't be smelling at all.

I turned slightly, so as not to spray the floor, and there on the bathroom floor, was some dirty clothes, which someone or something had puked all over. Luckily I have a strong stomach, because if it had been my wife who made this discovery, there would have been more puke added to the existing puke.

So after shaking... and only twice I might add, I set out for some paper towels, and a plastic bag. I put the soiled clothes into the bag and cleaned the rest of the mess up, then made my way to the garbage can in the kitchen, where I deposited the clothes. Made a coffee and waited for the wife to wake up.

Mystery Solved!

Well the wife woke up and I made her a coffee, and asked her if she knew who or what had left the bathroom mess, in which she had no idea. I told her it could have been one of the cats, but I said for the amount, I didn't think so. I said it has to be the grand daughter, although I couldn't see a 20 year old doing such a thing. Puking, and just leaving it there. Well she did! I was totally pissed, as was the wife. The excuse she tried to make, went in one of our ears and out the other. Very pissed off would be an under-statement.

She had come to live with us after the place she had first moved to, somehow didn't work out. I was assured it was a temporary thing, because our apartment is not that large, and as much as I love her, I just didn't want to feel crowded.

So let me fill you in on her day, sleeps till noon, gets up and eats, then goes and lays off for the rest of the afternoon. Eventually gets up, and goes out to who knows where, comes home between 12 and 1 am. Spends from the time she arrives back home till 3am and sometimes later on the phone to her much older boyfriend, who doesn't have the sense a knat has, since he'd much prefer to get her pregnant than use protection. Which he has I might add... :(

Doesn't lift a hand to help my wife with anything, unless she is asked to, and when she is asked, takes an hour or more to respond to the request. Takes showers, leaves the soiled clothes lie on the floor, and all kinds of makeups, powders, and creams laying about. The fucking bathroom looks like an Avon truck exploded in it after she's done in there.

Never cleans a dish when shes finished, but has no problem messing them... and doesn't contribute to any of the household costs whatsoever. Seems she might have an allergy, to work... because she hasn't did much looking for work, almost none in fact.

I love you but...

So the fuse had been lit and slowly burning, then suddenly, it (me) exploded. I didn't even say a word to her, I was actually complaining to my wife, in what wasn't a loud voice, but like I said, the apartment is small, so anything said above a whisper in one room, can be heard in any of our rooms. I have to assume she overheard my small tirade.

After I had exploded, I went for a walk to the local store, and when I arrived back home, my wife informed me that our granddaughter had packed an overnight bag and left. Well, it wasn't the worst news I heard, so I took it in stride. She was gone a grand total of two days, and now it shall continue, of that I'm sure.

Yes my friends, we do love them, but there are times when we don't necessarily like them. I doubt any amount of talking is going to do any good... so I will try to suffer in silence, till my next explosion!



If anyone realizes it, I do, that I'm a pushover when it comes to my children and grandchildren. It just gets frustrating when we see them take no responsibility and have no work ethic to speak of. Try as we may, and even through our own actions, sometimes they don't seem to inherit the traits we would want. All we can do is try, it isn't easy, but then no one said it was going to be,either.

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : http://www.thingsthatstripmygears.com/just-because-i-love-you-doesnt-mean-i-always-like-you/


She won't be missed

shes back and she is fine! I would still miss her!

I so totally agree with this. I have some folks in my family who are like that; thankfully none of them live around me, though. For then I think I'd have flew the coop a long freaking time ago. The puking and just leaving it there ... that one bothers me most of all, actually. How on earth did she go and do that, and what gives her the right? That's my even bigger question. And God only knows what provoked the puking. You probably don't even want to know.

she said she thinks she had food poisoning, I think she had been drinking and was hung over.

Still. Gives no excuse for that kind of behavior. I don't care who you are! If you puke, ya clean it. End of story. Unless you're somebody like me and asking for a hand due to blindness and inability to see where it went. Other than that ... Just eek. No.