TL;DR - A friend suggested to me that I can try posting from so I did and I really like its new look!
Ok! Since you read on, I will talk about what I found out to be great features on Busy. I was actually among the first batch of users on busy but to be honest I wasn't satisfied with the initial interface so I kind of forgot about it. Even later when I used it to post for a few times, that was probably because was down and I need alternative platform. Considering I once donated a few SBDs to busy and was awarded with a bronze medal (oops, cannot find it here this time, where have you been?^^), I am really glad that busy has transformed into a very attractive option for engaging with the Steem blockchain! Well done and congrats!
I really love Busy's blog layout! The image is bigger and more significant and the shown first few words are longer so it's really clear to know about this post. This is better than Steemit's design. Of course, my preference only. Also, the inclusion of Voting Power and Voting Value on the left of my profile is also very convenient for me. Great!
文章呈現的版面,是我喜歡busy之處:首圖大張,引用文字也多不少。一目了然,看得很清楚這篇文章的內涵。像是我上面這篇就是感恩之詩,多麽美啊! 此外,左邊的介紹有放入點讚能量與點讚金額,對我很方便,非常貼心喔!
Activities is one of the tabs on my profile page. This is really great! It's like a build-in Steemd so I don't have to switch back and forth to check my own previous actions. It's kind of like "Sorry! Steem Apps... find other services to serve your clients, busy has covered these already"... Oh, you can even filter those activities! How good is that!?
令人驚喜的是個人頁面上最右邊的Activities ,這裡可以看到你自己的點讚紀錄,獎勵入帳,別人點你或是回覆你等等!好方便啊!我這老人家在Steemit住太久了,都不知道這裡有好東東哪!方便就是棒棒,不用切換網站來找尋遺落的記憶,無價。而且,右邊還能選擇過濾特定記錄類別哪!真的是只有一個字....

Click Wallet. Seems similar.. No, busy includes the prices for Steem/SBDs and even the 7-day charts are there too! Bravo!
點開Wallet錢包,看似差不多。但這裡有市場價格啦!好方便呢。還能看到一週變化,嘖嘖!HODL !!

On the discussion page, when you move your cursor to the number of votes, it will pop up a list of your voters so you can see who contributes how much to your post (of course, be grateful for ALL the votes!). This is also a very handy information (who should I vote now? .... hmm....^^ )
Notifications - this one is definitely something I have been looking for! I used to use a bot on telegram for receiving notifications but it was broken and never recovered. But I hate to find other Apps and the Steemit notification was notorious and at the end totally disappeared. It's great to see Busy has it covered! Thank you!!
Okay! That was my brief review of this new (to me) platform! Love it. No doubt. Neat and handy. Should definitely keep me busy! ^_^ The only thing I don't quite understand and that might concern me is that Busy needs our active key to log in. I still don't know why though... Maybe someone can answer me in the comments. I will definitely be using busy to submit my posts more often from now on.
好!以上就是我對於這個我其實還不熟悉的新平台Busy的看法,很棒!簡潔又方便,不能要求更多了。唯一一點可能會介意的就是,為何一定需要用Active key來登錄?這點我還不太懂。或許有人可以幫我解答?但我想日後,我應該會更常來這裡發文了!這是肯定的!謝謝收看!晚安囉!^_^
I'm using busy since day one and would never use the old and outdated steemit interface if I don't have to. Busy is so much better in any way and the notifications alone are a must have feature.
I wish you could use the posting key for logging in!
在busy.org发文,也用了busy标签 。前些日子会每次都赞,现在总是把我忘掉
哦哦 ,好的
@meixia, 之前busy點讚是以followers的總SP來決定,現在呢?還這樣做嗎?
Oh 100% yes, busy is actually my go to posting location, everything is there like you said. No need to go on other apps just to check your voting power. And they give you their vote based on voting power of your followers if you post from their platform and if you use their tag #busy, a great cherry on top.
Better late than never! But... do you know why they need active key?
So you can post from there, they use steemconnect which is the best and the safest tool to use for any steem blockchain based app.
Busy's UI is definitely a step up from Steemit's classic interface, you can also get a "busy boost" by adding "busy" as topic in your posts.
oops! you have just revealed my main incentive! lol... No, I am just kidding... am I? ^^
haha, that sweet, sweet $0.20 boost ;)
oh, cool. that's great!
Yeah I now use busy more then Steem !!! And the notifications feature is amazing !! I wonder why steem doesn't have it. It is a must !!!
And the steem price in front of you all the time!! Amazing isnt it !!
as I said, notification was once implemented but it was extremely unstable and now disappears into nowhere... :)
cashin就好 ^^
yes, I use some applications connected to steemit one of them busy.
busy show new notification for us it is very cool
you do something really amazing in steemit through busy, org
you are very committed to doing your work
I am proud of you
I like the draft way of storing post
I also Love due to lot of interesting and useful helping features. Really awesome.
Help me. I can not open ,, why ,, ???
I certainly don't know... I can only tell you that I can right now. Sorry!
Okay. no problem. thank you for responding.
之前好像要抽%所以沒用,現在可以來試試 XD
Great posting! I've resteemed — who else here is on I've been reluctant because of the key requirement.
Very useful post @deanliu
現在不直播就會用busy. 不但有機會有點讚( based on followers) 可以 save 很多 draft
i clicked on my busy profile and have to agree
it does look nice!
funny what's green here is blue there
and the tags there are in green boxes
haven't used it though
perhaps I should try
thanks for the info!
I also like the interface, it is definitely cooler. The notifications are great too, but I had a bad busy experience soon. I wrote something from my phone, it took me a lot of time and something happened and everything disappeared :(. This never happens with Steemit. Now I am afraid of using it, even though I like it more.