All your posts are like $28 and $35 dollars, I am lucky to break a dollar ussually. I would say you are at least more popular than I am lol. The pay out on mine are the same no matter the effort put in it seems. very depressing sometimes. I want to make nice things but then nobody gives a shit so I just keep memeing it up i guess. I would literally give up a kidny for posts that pay like yours.
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OMG DC. Do you think those are organically earned? ;) I'm lucky to break the 1 SBD mark if I try the nice route so I gave up. And you know I'm a talented writer when I care to be one.
I don't know. Never looked into it. I just figured you had freinds in higher places than I do. lol
No friends :(
:cough: BULLSHIT :cough:
oh, excuss me. damn allergies are acting up.
My small SP friends have the heart, but not the power. Go take your allergies pill before the BS coughing takes over.