I supposed to make this post 4 weeks ago, when my little daughter was sick at night. Did not think about hospital because it will take about 1,5 hours by motor bike or car to the city. Besides, she is about to be 4 years old. In our family, hospital is only in very urgent situation, or after trying all natural medicine that my mother and I knew about.
It was almost 1.00 am (early morning) my daughter vomit for the 5th times since the evening, she couldn’t sleep, she was so weak. Actually she had been sick since the day before, and honey was the only medicine I gave for her fever. It seems, she could not get better with only honey. I don’t have much choice to do, because she refused to drink any other medicine, but one thing I know for sure, she likes to drink some spicy staff.
I was thinking about natural medicine that is able to give better benefit to make her sleep and to stop vomit, I knew her immune is weak too, and she need something to make her feel better. I went to the kitchen to take the water for her. And then I saw some spices on the table that I used some of them for making dinner.
Finally, I try the old recipe that I have used for myself recently to increase my stamina and immunity, the recipe is actually simple, and they are used every day in the kitchen;
The ingredients are:
• 2 cm Ginger
• 2 pcs Star Seed
• 2 cm Cinnamon
• ½ pc Nutmeg
• 2 Tbsp Pure Wild Honey
Preparation steps:
- Peel the ginger and slice it and open the nutmeg shell, and wash the rest of the ingredients.
- Take 1.5 glass of water (about 300 ml)
- Boil it with small fire, until the water remain 1 glass
- Pour it into the glass and add the honey, stir it to mix the herb tea and the honey
- Wait until the tea cooler and drink it.
Note: For under 5 years old kids give only ¼ of glass (about 65 ml), you can give it every 3 hours.
And ½ glass (130 ml) for kids under 12 years old, give it every 3 hours
One glass of the herb tea for adult, drink it every 3 hours.
Of course, it is not easy to make my little daughter to drink it, but finally she drunk it and 1.5 hours later she felt asleep. The temperature of her body getting normal and the vomit is completely stopped. In the morning she was able to eat something else, and I gave her another ¼ of glass the herb tea in the morning, she like the taste with honey.
What is the benefit of each of the ingredients base on my family experience?
Ginger (Zingiber officinale)
Ginger is good for cough, reduce the paint in the joint, to warm the body, anti-inflammatory, help indigestion problem. Ginger could help the pain of the women when they get menstruation. This herb posses phenolic to help indigestion, gingerol has anty-inflammatory and many more vitamins and mineral (you can see it in google). Gingerol has anty-cancer ability as well, it has been proved by the scientist from University of Minnesota. Ginger is also used to reduce the bruises due to collisions on the body, for these uses, nutmeg and ginger must be finely ground and mix it with salt before applying on the bruises.
Actually, I would give her wild mulberry if she had only fever and cough, but it was along with vomit, nausea and stomach ache. Wild mulberry is good for fever especially for the kids. I don’t recommend consuming chemical medicine such Paracetamol or Ibuprofen for kids, because it does not good for their brain nerves and kidney. But please remember, I am not a doctor and health expert. But I strongly believe that chemical medicine is not really the best option for kids.
Star seeds (Illumium verum)
Star seed posses many minerals and vitamin and in my place this herb is mostly used to cook curry, but the benefit of this herb is also incredible. The star seed will help to reduce flu, cough, fever, and to give relaxation effect, it helps my daughter to sleep well. But for me myself I drink this herb together with other herb to help me from insomnia. It can be used for anti bacteria, to cure rheumatic. And it has many other benefits.
Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans)
My family and I have used this incredible seed for tea because it has many benefits, it can help to cure diarrhea, ulcer, flatulence, nausea, headache and dizziness. It also increases the immunity and help for relaxation and insomnia without any major side effect. It is also good to increase intelligence, especially for kids. This herb can also be used to cure toothache and gum inflammation.
Cinnamon (Cinnamomum verum).
I like to use this little herb for my coffee whenever I can. Cinnamon is one of the curry recipe, and soup, it always available in my kitchen. But it has many other benefits. It helps to kill cancer as the scientist has proved it. Cinnamon contains high antioxidant to protect DNA and reduce grow rate of tumor. It helps to increase immunity, and good for heart, helps to control glucose in our blood. It is excellent to cure flu and fever as well as cholesterol. This herb is posses polyphenols, phenolic acids, and flavonoids. Antioxidant in this herb also has it functions as anti-inflammatory.
Cinnamon and honey is the perfect combination for increasing immunity and give us hundreds of benefit. If you have problem for your period, you may need to try cinnamon tea and honey, it will help (I knew this from my mom).
Well, those little benefits I knew from my family and what I have got when I consume this tea for several time. I did not need something else for my daughter, this natural remedies is strong enough, especially the combination of the recipe. It is same like we consume paracetamol or ibuprofen (pain killer).
I prefer natural medicine to chemical drugs especially for my kids, because it has minor side effect. Especially this recipe is normally used in the kitchen and mostly in our food, so I have no worry for the bad effects.
Please note:
I am not a scientific researcher or medical advisor, please do search by yourselves before you do something that you are totally new in term of consuming unknown herb. At least find the reference or seek advice from your doctor or medical expert. Thank you.
With my best regard
Hope for the best and prepare for the worst

Well.. I know about all these medicine but seldom try it when I got headache 😊 I have another good herbal tea which I also sell it at the shop.. it called as wedang uwuh and wedang secang . Uwuh means thrash.. because it consist of nutmeg leaves, cloves leaves (dried) and if sometimes sambiroto dried leaves too (it bitter taste is exotic) along with sappan wood, ginger roots, kapulaga/cardamom. It helps to put you on better sleep😊
The other one is sappan wood or secang or seupeung along with cinnamon bark, cloves, ginger roots and cardamom, just pour the hot water and let it for few minutes, honey or stone sugar could add a better taste and the pink colour from the sappan wood made it beautiful hot drink.
Hope that your little princess get well and will always be in healthy. Thanks for sharing and what a lucky man to have a pretty girl who likes to drink spices drink too. I don't think anybof my nephews and nieces like it 😂😂😂
Thanks for sharing.. tell me what to do with the nutmeg for tootache or gum problem, please. I have a hubby with that prob.😆
we call it "Ubat Reuboh" here, I used to sell it as well, but this simple remedies are always available in our kitchen every day.
How is life going back there?, wish you all the best.
Take a nutmeg powder and make the tea, and then drink it with honey, or boil the nutmeg with a glass of water and wait until the water remain a half, drink it with honey. I tried once, and it worked really well kak @cicisaja
Nature power, this's it!
Exactly my friends Monika and Daniel. I love natural remedies, and I prefer to use it as the first option
Wow..Like "bandrek" yes? I want too..Make it for me too, brader @el-nailul..😂😊
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That is look like "Bandrek" but not, the taste is much more delicious kak @inesanugerawati
Good post. I love ginger tea)) Winter evenings!
that is really great to drink hot ginger tea in the evening winter, much more better then coffee perhaps. But I also love coffee soooo muchh... :D. How is the season there @amalinavia?
Hello your poor daughter im glad to see she felt better:)When i was very sick my mum used to give me hot water with lots of lemon and honey. It was so smoothing for the throat i still do it today:)
Yes lemon and honey is really good for medication, I have 2 lemon trees in my back yard, in it has a lot of fruit, my family and I drink fresh lemon water every day for cholesterol, Just need to soak lemon slice in fresh water for couple of hour before we drink it. wish you all the best @drawmeaship
This is amazing and comprehensive information!!
Hi my friend @vanessamidwife, I love to read your post about natural medicine as well. How is life in africa now, are you still in Africa?
Thanks for sharing!
One good tea for sleeping is a mix of Mint, Thyme and Lemonbalm
I dont have mint and Thyme, but I do have fresh lemon that I drink every day. I want to plant mint, but donno where to get it. Thank for sharing it with me @quochuy
All natural medicine is always the best. I tried to name the ingredients just by looking at the photo. I only identified ginger, cinnamon and the star anise lol. The not meg is not a common ingredient in our area.
Nutmeg is normally use to cook curry in our area, and I think you can find it in the market in powder form. I agree that all natural medicine is the best option before we go ahead with chemical one, @warersnake101
Good ol kitchen remedies
Nothing like it
Only a bit tough to swallow especially for kids...
I am going to try and give this a go
I have been having the runs for 4 days straight and of course everyone's telling me to see the doctor... but really my last resort...
So will try this tomorrow and see how it goes
Thank you :D
Have you tried it @kaerpediem?, how did it go?, I wish you get well soon.
We always use the traditional Chinese meds or herbs when sick, only when all things failed only we consider clinics.
Chinese traditional medicine is the best in the world @joelai, really a blessing if you still keep the heritage and the legacy of the ingredients
There are many Chinese Medical store here still selling the traditional herbs and some have their own Chinese sensei too. Its still a blessing we can find it easy nowadays.