Or just quit using Steemit like most people who have been flagged (or down voted) do.
And leave Steemit head orifice to replace all the ex real users with bots.
It's like watching the Titanic sinking...
Or just quit using Steemit like most people who have been flagged (or down voted) do.
And leave Steemit head orifice to replace all the ex real users with bots.
It's like watching the Titanic sinking...
This is the best option ngl.
I'm totally going to mock both you and @frot in this comment.
Don't you love the people who come back to tell you why they aren't using something, while they are actually using it?
I do! And that is why I remain bullish in the long term. :)
When you don't care... you don't come back to express your lack of caring. That only happens when you do care!
So there...
sticks out tongue
People do stuff that is stupid all the time, though. Speedrunning Mega Man X is really stupid, yet I'm top 20 in the world. Just because someone does it, doesn't mean it's not stupid.
I'm patient. It's slow and struggling in rough waters, but it isn't sinking.
YET. :) Hi, good to see you.
You know all my posts are automatically uploaded from my blog and I haven't posted directly to Steemit for months?
But sometimes I stop by to check replies or give myself a bot vote, and holy cow what a mess!
Hi back, I just like to bleat a bit sometimes...