Help Us Choose A Baby Name. I’ll Even Pay You.

in #busy6 years ago


This post is part update, part contest.

Here’s the deal:

My baby has been a sick little boy. He’s being pumped with oxygen to stay alive right now. It has me a nervous wreck all the while. I’ve tried to stay calm but no matter what people say, I can’t. Want to reassure me? Sorry it won’t work. You can’t help me. Stress induced pacing around the baby is going to happen.

He’s so fucking grounded already

But maybe you all actually can help me.

This little guy has no name. I’d let him name himself but the state requires that I do it in 12 days. (Yet another reason to not like them.)

Baby name apps didn’t work


As cool as Rocket may seem, I’m not sure anyone in their right mind would name their kid Rocket.

Rocket, clean your room.


Lemuel, I’m glad you’re “devoted to God” because Jesus is the only one that could love that name.

So I’m basically out of options here. The girlfriend and I can’t agree.

It’s like the internet wants to create an army of poorly named children so our new AI overlords can develop proficient bullying techniques. Lots of Rocket jokes in the near future.

That’s why I’m turning to you. Steem, I’m desperate and exhausted you’re a smart group.

Give me some names in the comment section and if my girlfriend and I agree to use the name I’ll even send some Steem your way.


Congratulations and keep strong. Babies are strong and your little one will get through this difficult time. We had friends in the same situation and now their boy is 2 and running around happily. I don’t know your background and traditions but you should think of a name that means strength, resilience and/ or blessing in a tradition that means something to you. Naming your boy will give him strength so do it quickly.

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First let me say he is beautiful, second you might as well get used to being scared shitless for the next few years. Even after they are home and granted the seal of good health by the doctors that fear you feel now is going to stay. Once you're on your 3rd or 4th one it goes away.

Do you have a middle name you want at all? The key my wife and I use to pick good names is to remember you may have to scream it outside at the top of your lungs for him to come in from playing so make sure the names work well together.

I don’t have anything in mind directly but I think I enjoy names on the short side. 1-2 syllables.

Max Sky in honor of the deep breath you need him to take

Hope everything turns out well man, for the name


I like this guy’s style.

Grats on the new arrival! He looks like a tough lil guy and will pull through for sure. As for names... Eirik or Erik which means King Forever, or Eternal Ruler.

Leipä is the best name ever.

I'd go with that.

Ok, I'd go with one of these:


I'll with Cato some research. You may have guess why I chose a name with starting with Cat. Well, I know who she is.:-) o? for offspring maybe? but the Reason for Cato from my search:

  1. Found this
  2. Means this base on the link above:
    Cato. For both boys and girls, this regal-sounding Latin name means “all-knowing” or “knowledgeable and wise.” A character in Shakespear’s Julius Cesar, more recently, it’s been rising in popularity following The Hunger Games. For girls, it’s a Dutch alternative to Catherine.


Jokes aside. Choosing a baby name is super hard, and you also have to take your last name into account. I can't, so my suggestions won't be adjusted to that. Read first and last name together, and test out the initials, before picking one.

And my friend Lana would also suggest, read it backwards at least once.

Tobias (can be shortened to Toby and not many "mean" nicknames)
Florian (I guess this one is pretty German, no idea if they use it in the USA. Usually shortened to "Flo")
Charles (Charly, might get stupid "Prince Charles" jokes tho)
Matthias (Also very common in Germany. Matti? Matt?)
Felix (Who wouldn't want to be called "The lucky one"?)

This is harder than I thought, because I had to take English pronunciation into account and I hate most names in English.

I'm also generally one for "common, but not 1 in 3" names, because that tends to ease potential problematic situations ("Marc number 5", "How the hell do you spell Asheleyeh?").

Lana was right to suggest reading the name backwards... Oh i had a good.laugh with this one.

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And you’ll never realize how many people you hate.

And it has to satisfy the other person as well.

My parents both made a list, swapped it, then crossed out what they didn't like. That's how I ended up with a super generic first name.

Fun fact, had I been a boy, I'd be called Lucas. Which is too, incredibly generic.

I was going to be a Candy if I were a girl.

Instead I was a Brandon. Apparently an extremely popular name that year. 5 Brandon’s in my class my first day of school.

Ah, so you know the pain.

Congratulations! I know this probably won't help, but I'll say it anyway: I hope strength to you and your little one.

Now the naming part.


Leipä is the best name ever.

A bit difficult to pronounce right for everyone else than Finnish people. If that wouldn't be a problem, I'd suggest Karvaperseötökkä. Hairyassbug. So much cooler to say in Finnish. But it would be cool in any language to shout something like: "Hairyassbug, come inside already, it's supper time!"

Or Mana! Mana means power!


Jokes aside.

Sooooooo Slartibartfast is a no no?

Anyway, I think he looks like Joshua. Or Conor.

Congratulations! This little man already has a online family, much love:).
Be sure to open a steem account for him on the day you decide what name to choose.

After reading your post the name "Rocket" stuck with me. So, for me he will be known als Rocky "the Champ" :)

Name him "Lucksack" and I'll pay you! :)

damn kids, always stressing parents out. should be laws against it!

I’ll run it by the misses.

When we had to name our first baby, 14 years ago later this month, I used the Social Security database of baby names to find all manner of options. We also wanted to avoid using a name that was currently popular.

From this database I came up with a hundred options, then added some more from skimming through a San Francisco phone book. After that, it was a process of whittling down. Funny thing was, in the end, we chose a name that occurred to my wife in the hospital, after he was born - and it wasn't on the list. :-) lol!

Congratulations on the addition to your family!

Cool tip!

I’ll check it out.


Hello bro, first of all I wish the little Champ good fortune. Please don't make fun of my names lol.

  • Samael
  • Evan
  • Sebastian
  • Amir
  • Ragnar
  • Dolor
  • Camus
  • Flint
  • Theokoles
  • Butch
  • Aaron
  • Julius
  • Robert
  • Kyo

Some of these are brand new to me. I’ll sleep on them.

I have another name! Quinn! like The Mighty Quinn.

mostly i'm just thinking about you guys and sending love.

I secretly love Quinn but she doesn’t.

He’s doing better Beth. First day he’s trying out not having oxygen. We’ll see what happens.

Got to see the guy without tubes.


Congrats and I'll be praying for your little guy man. Names I love:

  • Luke (not Lucas, just Luke)
  • Oliver (Oli is a great nickname)
  • Out of your two options, Lem is not a bad nickname
  • For something unique and old school -- Vernon (Vern for short)
  • I'm not the first to suggest this, but I think Max could be a strong name for your boy, which is taken from Maximus = greatest (related to strength, and pulling through)
  • Griffin -- not only is it the last name of our favorite cartoon family, it's a badass mythological creature and means 'strong lord.' Plus, "Griff" is a really cool nickname.

Whatever you choose, best of luck man.

If i would Neo that you would not Bart-er to Reid at All, I Syl have Spence my time Otto-wise and Maxxed it Evan Mo efficient-Lee. Bud, Do I Ned to Abe-Paolo-Gaz for the jokes Earl-ier?

No I read them lol. Just been a little scatter brained and distracted.

For some reason, I like "Oscar".

Still doing the thumb thing for him.

Rocket would be bad-ass, like the raccoon from Guardians of the Galaxy!

You guys have probably gone through these names and their shorter forms / nicknames already but I'll just spit some your way: Michael, Anthony, Vincent, Eric, Thomas, Trevor, George, Freddy, etc

Maybe you (both mama and papa kryptik) have a musician, actor, artist, writer or a character you both love, someone who inspires? Do they have a nice sounding name?

Or maybe something foreign or viking-y? Silver? Ragnar?

My kid's name looks and sounds quite foreign compared to all these but is just a more germanic version of George. (We thought of it when I was still pregnant and we were sitting at a bar, I was drinking tea or non-alco beer, doesn't really have a deeper meaning to it, it's just hard to twist it into an offensive nickname + we don't know any assholes with that name).

First of all something within me tells me this child would be a miracle baby and would survive and pull though this stage of life.

My suggestion is MIRACLE. Can be male name and a female can be miracle.... Don't relent OK be strong for the child and you and your partner would smile and be grateful in the nearest future for this child.



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Victor... Because he will survive the sickness and conquer it. In the end he won.

name him/her key!!!

I think thats a dope name... just sharing

Rocket is a good name!!! Its not weird...

Rocket sounds like a great choice, hehe.

George is a good name or Fawkes. Watch The Godfather; those mtfkrs have cool names.

Good luck, mate, and congrats. :)

We called our son John Johanson, what is his surname? It will be easier to figure out the name.

Good luck dude... the little trooper looks like a fighter.

So... either go super oldschool:

  • Ulysses Stormhammer

or super futuristic

  • 00100111

Hope it all goes well!

Nerd!! :P


Who runs the world?


Hey, hi!

Name him Chip. Because he's a chip off the old block.

Angel is a beautiful name for this big baby :)
he came to earth to make you and your wifes life to shine a little more.

Choosing baby name is very tricky for sure. Everyone want to have the bestest of name to their kid...that make them fomous and well known....
He is born on Thursday..right.....would you like to have some Indian name to it...anyway...if you give the birth time i can suggest few as per indian astrology

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Baby is so cute and first I wish for his healthy life😊 I suggested the name: Aditya. Aditya means sun . Baby may shine as a sun in his future and have a bright future ahead 😎

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Upvoting you for the sick baby.
Name: Joey Jo-Jo Junior Shabadoo

First, my warmest wishes for your son, but also for you and your wife. It is a mental and emotional roller-coaster. Be strong, for him and for each other.

As for a name. Take a long breath, close your eyes. Imagine him at 2 years old, perhaps walking about your home in an ungainly manner, exploring and learning of this world. All this birth turmoil behind him, he just knows your love, the safety of home, good health, and how much fun it is to touch, grab, pull, and taste everything. Now, think how you feel at that moment. What 3 words come to your mind about him. Not about you. About him and his bright future. Write those worlds down and look at them. You and your wife, just stare at them foe 3 minutes, saying nothing. Let you minds go deeper and you will hear your voice calling out names. Share what you come up with. You will pick the right one.

3 words: “Stop eating that”

Sounds like a good exercise. I’ll try it later.

LOL! In that case: Chewy

Congratulations !! I go for L-U-C-A ! As you wanted it less syllables.

Congrats on the new arrival. I'm sure the little man will pull through this health scare and become a bubbly little ball of energy in no time at all. I'll suggest the following names however I suspect that you may not like them:

  • Ziltoid
  • Xavier
  • Zenu
  • Harbinger
  • Darwin
  • Cyanobacteria
  • The Borne... Identity

What was the question again?

I actually like Darwin but it’s not my decision alone :(

I’ll let you know.

That tough guy looks like a Bjorn to me. Hail!

Jeremy ... I don't know why

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What about icahbol or cupa

I vote Winston.

And all my good juju prayers and well being a 1000 fold to you and your darling little baby. God speed to recovery.

I didn’t name our child until 2 weeks after he was born and it just came to me. The name will come to you eventually. Good luck with you and god bless

Good deal.

My girl is really stuck on one name.

What we did was to decide on an idea, for us, the baby was a hope ... as in we had various challenges and the news of the baby arriving in 8+ months helped us stay focused ... so we decided on the theme/idea : HOPE I even posted about here:

Then, we were looking for a name that means "hope" .. may this can help to a meaningful name

best name i've ever heard was Danger Ricochet.

My first baby was early and in the NICU. wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy and I actually LIKE you, so.... sending love.

<3 thanks Beth the little guy is showing improvement. He may even be off the oxygen soon.

that's great news. can't tell you how triggered i am lol...

anyway, for real, what about Jacob; Jake for short.


Name him Nate dogg...


This young man looks like a future President,
so I recommend Donald.

Congrats on this little one,
for he will give you the greatest gift of all time
grandkids! :D

We couldn't decide on our first one's name,
so he is Jr.

He is always pissed off it seems like. That fits the Donald vibe.

Little guy is getting better so maybe I’ll have a chance to sit and think for once.

I’ll just name him like Elon Musk Jr. so he’ll always wonder who the real father is.

I actually thought about recommending Elon!
I think that must stand for "he who does really, really cool stuff!"

I'm gonna suggest Coleman and let you decide without influence whether that moniker suits your little fighter

I'm happy that your child is better
and for that reason it must have a name of gurrero.

Eric "mighty sovereign"
Abel "breath of god"

Keep your head up, sending good vibes to you and your little one! p.s. let your girlfriend name the baby, she carried him and birthed him, wtf did you do... 😉

I like this guy! 👌🏻😊 Excellent idea!

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