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RE: The Oldest and Best Working Bitcoin Faucet (Giving Away Free BTC)

in #busy6 years ago

Exactly !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  1. miner mines on 1/2 of my CPU threads with 350 H/s. Webbased javascript miners (like Coin-hive) mine less than 30 H/s.

  2. Most faucets use captchas which are "taken" from other websites. Owner of faucet is running bots spamming other websites, and you are his HUMAN ROBOT to solve captchas.

  3. Most advertisments on faucet websites are:

  • Ponzi schemes (fake mining contracts, bullshit ICO's)
  • other bullshit Pay-to-click/faucet websites
  • websites attempting to run exploits to infect your computer (infecting other computers is the only really profitable way to monetize high volume low quality traffic from faucets)

And above all this, all faucets are just utter waste of time.
If you need to click whole day to earn tiny fraction of $, there's something wrong with your life and you should dump all these silly ideas that 0,000001 BTC will change your life.