Day 39 of Free Write: Puzzle Prompt

in #busy7 years ago


What is more puzzling than having to write about a puzzle prompt? Yeah I couldn't think of anything either, since I think this one is actually pretty open to a lot of stories for a lot of people.

So personally I have never been that big into puzzles. I know there is a whole method to doing them where you focus on completing the outer rim of them and you slowly work your way in. Even though there is a strategy, just like Rubik's cubes, doesn't mean I'm going to find them fun though! Its just if I had free time, I think there is a lot of other things I'd rather be doing. Some may say "oh you probably just would rather play video games or watch TV, or GO ON STEEM". My response to that is yeah those are all things that I'd like doing, but I'd even enjoy laying outside with some music (okay I'd love that) or curling up with a good book. All of those seem like better solutions.

Throughout this free write I was really hoping my memory was going to be jogged as to when was the last time I actually attempted completing a puzzle, or even touched a puzzle piece. After all this time I can't even remember. I feel like I can remember my mom completing one within the last 7-8 years on our dining room table, but that would be the only possible time!

I neglected to mention this yesterday, since I am just getting back into the swing of things. If you'd like to join in on the free writing fun, check the link below!



well done, bro very nice article.