
People can still use the beach below the high tide mark, and is it the Historical maximum high tide mark or is it a daily high tide mark? Seems it would be hard for people to tell just where on some days the high tide would be or was. Here in Alaska on the beaches we go to high tide can be very very variable. One day you have a flotsam line in one place then the next day two obvious lines separated by 20 feet or more.

I guess most people would not want to sit in front of a person beach house anyways, never know what sort of weirdo lives in the house or how big of a camera lens they have.LoL.

Yeah the law is a bit weird in that way I am not sure how they interpret it, but i have never seen people setting themselves down on the private beaches, I personal find the idea of a private beach for each property quite absurd, but maybe thats because I never saw such a thing back home when I was growing up