I’ve always been mixed on this subject... I don’t personally self vote.. well because my 6 cents every 3 days isn’t gonna do shit for me.. but those 6 cents combined with curation initiatives I’m a part of 10x a day could make difference in whether a valuable author stays here or goes back to f%$•book.
I’d say it’s about balance.. we all are essentially sharing the cookies in the cookie jar (aka reward pool for those slow ones) and so it becomes something everyone is concerned about. I think you have to look at how you are supporting others vs how much you are supporting yourself.. otherwise are you helping the platform grow and therefore increasing your ROI?
Now, I think each persons stake is theirs to do what they want with.. but it also means those sharing the cookies can get pissed at the guy eating all of them if they want right?
I don’t expect anyone to give their money away for free here.. and quite frankly I think this idea of a gift society and the entitled cry babies demanding things for free is just dumb. That’s not how the world works, you get what you put in.. and well.. you put some shit in Bernie so I guess you get some back out.
I think that any business man can see how giving everything away for free is no way to build a successful business.. but then again.. neither is eating all the cookies. So.. balance?
Don’t listen to me though.. I just spent a whole day on a post just to give the rewards away to an initiative I believe in.. why? Cause I’m fucking crazy that’s why... oh yeah.. and because I think it helps me get the most out of my investment here, by investing in the future... no matter how small that investment is in comparison to some.
Much Love,