rich gets richer and the rest of us gets nothing" - spot on! my own thoughts as well. serious investors are unlikely to participate in this de facto Investment platform (not the "alternative social network" as it supposed to be) - you are right in that.
so, as someone has repeatedly pointed out (or rather quoted comments on her FB group) that it is more like a scam-like / Ponzi model, which depends on constant recruiting of new members and inflow of fresh capital merely to keep such model afloat.@hitmeasap, many good points made! particularly RE: "
that's why I agree with your call for supporting others, i.e. Delegation into real humans, PEOPLE, who would create that Content - not into "bid-bots", as you've rightly pointed out. after all, that's what this whole ecosystem was supposed to be all about: content creation, curation, interacting, socializing, which rewards participants for all such actions. "Blockchain of Mutual Delegation" as I prefer to call it.