
Thank you! Most of my sunset pics don't have the sun in them because it gets too bright. I usually wait till after the sun drops below the horizon - but when converted to black and white it's hard to tell that it actually was a sunset.

Howdy today sir keithboone! Well sir, I figured you would use some kind of filters or something for shots like that but then the amount of knowledge that I have about photography wouldn't fill a thimble!

Well... I can't ride and rope like you, Tex :)

haha yes sir but I can't do much of that now because of back problems, I haven't ridden in 25 years because of my back and I got away from the country for a good while. Now I'm back to the country but with no horses. I can still shoot though! lol.

Sorry about your back... I'm a fair shot with a rifle, better with a bow :)