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RE: FDA Crackdown on Amygdalin

in #cancer7 years ago (edited)

This article and the conversation from it made me think about apple seeds in particular. Does a horse eat the whole apple and spit out the seeds? If you gave a gorilla an apple, would she not eat the core?

We've been programmed to believe the strangest things. It makes me wonder if eating an apple a day, seeds and all, would actually be as dangerous as we've been led to think. I mean... I know as a kid I probably ate some seeds.

Another angle to this is that I figured apple seeds would be like other seeds, and they will just pass right through our system like a peanut. If you're not crushing the seed up or cooking it, I don't see a problem. But then do we benefit from it then either?

I saw a video once on YT of a guy making cider from apples, and it involves cooking at high temperatures. He was not removing the apple cores, and there were hundreds of them in a batch. I asked about the cores, and he got upset at my question.

Surely having that many seeds in a drink that has been cooked at high temps would draw out some of the poison, right?


If you want something that is better than any thing to treat cancer and preventive care is Vitamin D. Vitamin D activates GcMAF. If you get enough sunshine then you will be cancer free and stay healthy.

We need to protect our rights to natural medicine such as herbs or vitamins. Codex Ailmentarius is a new international law that certain groups are trying to pass that makes it illegal to have access to Vitamins (at medical dosages) and herbs.

Codex Ailmentarius has passed in Europe but hasn't pass in USA. We need to fight this all the way.

I recommend that you join Alliance for Natural Health because this group is fighting the war such as Codex Ailmentarius. They are active in lobbying laws in Congress to protect us.

We need simple ways to add those plants to our daily diet though. Recommendations are welcome. I already make a point to consume the following:


I also drink a cup of organic tomato juice a day. Honey is used for a sweetener as well. Avoiding caffeine has been nearly impossible, so I drink less than 8 ounces a day to keep the withdraw headaches away. My hope is that the tiny amount of coffee should not be doing too much damage to me.

I usually walk to work to get that exercise and the sunlight. I'm looking at ways to get more Vitamin D3 from food sources too, not supplements. Suggestions there would also be welcomed.

I personally agree that we've been programmed to think certain things for certain reasons.

Remember when peanut butter could give you cancer and eggs could give you heart disease? And when margarine was way healthier than butter?

Now we know that margarine is anything but safe and healthy, eggs actually lower cholesterol, and peanut butter is not a carcinogen.

It's better for the "system" if we're nutritionally ignorant.

My father's heart disease is directly linked to him eating margarine. I can't get him to stop eating it. He simply will not listen to me. The programming is strong. Thankfully, I didn't eat much of that garbage as a kid or adult, and I also avoid junk food that has similar substances in it.

All seeds have a protective layer that prevents the beneficial chemicals from being extracted from it. It is nature's way of preserving itself so therefore you have to grind it down and that's why you have molars.

Most seeds will pass through you and you will NOT benefit from it because of their protective shells. The apricot seed I ate are shelled, meaning it doesn't have the outer shell. That's why I recommend cooking the seeds but not too long. Cooking it actually neutralizes the poison and pulls out the chemical from it. Your digestive system includes breaking up food into smaller portions then the final stage is to absorb the micronutrients through your small intestines.

There are several questions I want to answer since I am a medical professional with at least 10 years of experience practicing professionally and I am a master herbalist with more than 10 years of experience because of my family using it. I used to also work at a cancer clinic.

I treat my patients with a combination of vitamin, herbs and other medical methods.

Appleseeds barely has any amygdalin in it and are not worth using if you are trying to treat diseases like cancer. As for prevention that is another story. For medicinal use, there is prevention dosages and treating dosages. Treating dosages is always much higher than prevention dosages.

I brew mead though, and I have friends like @mbrown121500 who brew cider. Some videos I've seen show people not taking the cores from apples, and I always wondered if it mattered. You're saying it does not then? Since you know a lot about the topic, I was curious to get your opinion.

If an animal eats an apple, they don't bother to take out the seeds. We should not have to do it either I would think. The impression I get is that the concern over the seeds has been blown out of proportion.

Eating the apple raw and swallowing seeds you do not crush up much is different from cooking cider to a high temp though with the seeds inside. What would your expert opinion then be on the matter? I appreciate your feedback and help!

There are many other herbs that is much better in treating cancer than Vitamin B17.

Also let me mention that cancer manifest differently and not ONE chemical can treat all cancer. Meaning that just because Vitamin B17 can treat one cancer, it can NOT treat another form of cancer. I found this out when I visited Dr. Burzynski clinic, which I recommend every person to visit. They have free tours for the cancer clinic.

We need simple ways to add those plants to our daily diet though. Recommendations are welcome. I already make a point to consume the following:


I also drink a cup of organic tomato juice a day. Honey is used for a sweetener as well. Avoiding caffeine has been nearly impossible, so I drink less than 8 ounces of coffee a day to keep the withdraw headaches away. My hope is that the tiny amount should not be doing too much damage to me?

I am not sure whether you are eating Ginkgo nut or the leaves. The nut are toxic and should not be eaten unless cooked or prepared correctly.

Gingko (nut or leaves) and any kind of Ginseng is not something I would recommend eaten daily.

There are also different kinds of Ginseng. The Chinese or Korean Ginseng can create hyperactivity if eaten too much or in the wrong season. You can actually feel super warm and uncomfortable. If you want to be safe just stick with American Ginseng but still in very small amounts if daily.